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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. I hear ya Rog. As glamorous as being a greaser seems, we're not always rolling in money. Well, most of the time. But I made a stupid business decision last Oct and I'm still paying for it now. If I hadn't been nearly debt free except for my house and Titan, and had some money saved, there is NO WAY I would still be in business right now.

    I have made some cuts even here lately that weren't fun to cut, but do whatcha gotta do to make it work. I certainly don't want a handout and don't expect one. I don't think the gov't should either.

  2. Ok lets start with education. I say cut it 100%. The US has some of the worst schools in the world yet it has some of the best private schools. Cut road and bridge maintenance? Who do you think does it now? The government merely funds it, and we all know how good they are with money. There is very little the government has its hands in that it doesnt screw up. They should stick to what the constitution says they should do and nothing else.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Another thing I would cut big time is the prison system. I have many friends that are work at the prisons around here and they would be effected, and that sucks, but it would be better for the state in the long run. Put the prisoners to work and execute the really bad life long criminals. Stop putting out $40K/year for morons that will die in prison anyway. Get it over with already and save some money.

    My point of the thread wasn't to really get into a political debate, but just show the difference between a liberal and a conservative. Spending less vs. Tax more.

    I think the govn't should be put on the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.

  3. I blame liberals for the spending crises that the state of California is in, yes. The Governator is a liberal, I don't care what he claims. If conservatives went along with the gross spending, then they are to blame as well, but as a conservative, that goes against everything we believe in.

    I would cut everything except for what govn't should be used for like police/fire/security type stuff. I would cut the welfare to illegal aliens. I don't have the state budget in front of me, but I'm sure it would be about 1/8 of what it is now when I got through with it.

    You're right about one thing though, it wouldn't effect me too much because I don't rely on the gov't for much.

  4. This is a pretty scary story, but I want to just highlight the fundamental difference between a conservative and a liberal.

    Democrats oppose spending cuts and the legislature's Republican minority opposes tax increases, resulting in routine stalemates on spending plans.

    How do you guys (and gals) operate your personal finances in a situation like this? I would personally look to cut any unnecessary spending in order to meet my obligations. I would also try to up my income by getting an additional job, or another account, but somewhere in the mix you have to cut spending like a drunken ***** I believe.

    Stories like the one above really **** me off; to think that the dems want to tax ME more for their stupidity just chaps my arse. Why don't they pay for the stupid spending decisions that they have made like everyone else?

  5. Hahahah....that looks fun. I love blowing stuff up, so I would prolly be one to think of something like that. Just this past weekend my DVD player/surround sound stopped working. Well, It didn't just stop working, it would act like it was going to play a DVD, then just load forever and then tell you that there was no disc. Well, I had enough of that crap. I unhooked it, took it outside in the yard and beat it to little pieces with my wood maul. It was a lot of fun. My 6 year old even joined in the fun with a baseball bat. Good times, good times. :)

  6. Mines 5 years old, looks brand new..............whats the problem?

    Their's is nearly 13 years old and still looks brand new, however, they still hate it because you have to clean it perfectly every single time you touch it. Even if you look at it wrong, it gets dirty. Plus it's black so everything shows like crazy.

  7. You do hoods Ant LOL Hey can you come over and clean this fricking glass top stove of mine LOL. what a PITA these things are. 2 years old and it looks like cr*p. I wanted to buy a new top it was like $100 more and I could buy a whole new stove

    My in-laws have one of those...they hate it too. Yes, I will come clean it for you. It will be $19,995.00 :D

  8. Thanks Rog for the link. I told matt someday you and i would be buddys.

    Sound like another guy that wont convert.

    How many just go away?

    I like you guys but maybe you should take another approach at these guys you cant convert.

    It took me awhle to understand your not destroying the industry but do actually the same program I have done for years.

    People are agaist my stencils because it calls hacks out.

    These guys get intimidated because they might be doing exactly whats wrong. (not cleaning to bare metal)

    Some just dont like the Gang mentality. TGP has followers and supporters, you may not think I support you but I respect what you do for the industry and the changes I know that are positive you are making.

    I also dont think you should worry about one or even 100 peoples opionions of what your doing.

    Please dont take this negative, I'm just trying to help.

    Also, why not make the Poll seen. Being closed makes it look false, if your taking a poll and someone beleives they should not be affraid to put there name on it. besides, closed people will not give it merit.

    I made the poll anonymous because evidently some people are "scared" to speak up. I don't want them to have that fear. The point of the poll is not to worry about what people think of us, NONE of us care what a bunch of other contractors think of us. The point of the poll is to see if we are doing well for the industry. That's ALL THAT MATTERS...For the customer and for the industry...that's it!

  9. *Marko's b-slap blocked and counters with a kick to the groin, but hits nothing but air*

    When I call a truce with somebody, I expect no more disrespect from that person or the truce becomes void! Should I go through all of your posts and quote all the times you say we are picking on you, or harassing you? Nevermind, there are too many to post.

    Dude, just stick to topic and you'll be fine.

  10. I am determined to become the largest exhaust hood company in the state and maybe the world.So thank you grease police.I am on my way to where you are sorry.Just remember me 5 years i WILL be in your town.


    According to your own words you've had 12 years and you're still cleaning by yourself. It's kinda hard to conquer the world when you clean by yourself, Marko.

    Nobody is picking on you, would you like me to post the PM I sent you trying to call for a truce? You are just a liar and a person with some kind of a complex that thinks everybody is out to get you. *virtual b-slap* wake up dude and grow a set!

  11. I, for one, am not a detractor. I'm willing to give Barry a fair shot. I just thought it was funny that he plagiarized Bob the Builders tag line. People were onto him when he was using other political speeches as his own so he had to mix it up a little. He underestimated me though in thinking I wouldn't find where he stole his tag line frrom. :D

    *saying to myself under my breath*

    "And they call Bush an idiot"

  12. I think it goes back to that other thread about the whole "common sense and morals" comment I made. You either have them/it, or you don't.

    Babies = innocent

    dirtbags = guilty/death penalty

    Easy concept in my opinion. But I guess you would have to have common sense and morals to understand it.

  13. It is my opinion that this person...(if you want to call him that) should be immediately taken behind the courthouse and popped in the head with a 17 cent bullet to his brain.

    Oh yeah, you will notice in the article that he doesn't even belong in this country. He's an illegal alien.

    The Sentinel

    I'm curious as to what you people that oppose the death penalty think about something like this.

  14. Other than "sport", what the reason for killing bobcats?

    Can you say $56K? I love hunting bobcats, they are a lot of fun a real challenge and test my physical stamina ( I have to chase them up hills a lot ) and my shooting skills. (best shot is 226 yards at night on homemade shooting sticks, their heads are about the size of your fist)
