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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. We ought to meet up and you can play with my Steel Eagle. I am less than 2 hours away in Simi Valley.

    cool....that's the answer that I was looking for :) Absolutely we should meet up. I'm a total newbie at the pressure washing biz. I mean, I have a pressure washer that I use for cleaning hoods, but it's a totally different ballgame. Name the time and place, and count me in....well, I'll actually have to check my schedule, but if it's during the daytime, I'm usually pretty open.

    Littlefield and Russ...thanks guys for the replies also.

  2. Thanks Craig....that is exactly what Ron recommended as well.

    Alan....link still doesn't work :) but that's ok, I did a search and that is what has me so confused. 10 people say this one, 10 people say that one. I think what I'm going to have to do is start off with a wheel unit, then eventually buy the hover type as well. Do you think it would be better to start with the wheeled unit in my case?

  3. I have a 3000 psi, 5 gpm hot water unit. I will be doing a lot of driveways, drive-thrus, dumpster areas and sidewalks. I need to get my surface cleaner soon, and I've read most of the threads on here about them. My question is what benefits do the wheeled cleaners have over the floaters? And which, in your guys' experience would work best in my situation?

    I was looking at the "Big Guy" and the original floater. From all of the past posts it looked like everybody counted the caster models out. Why?

    I know it's kind of a lot of questions, but your help is appreciated...

  4. Hey Devin.....I'm new to residential pressure washing. I've had a hood cleaning business for about 2 years now and it's doing very well. I use a pressure washer to clean kitchen hoods, but it's a totally different world. I use 1 Chemical....caustic soda and that's pretty much it. Some "greased lightning" here and there, but between caustic and 200 degree water everything comes off.

    Now when it comes to doing driveways and roofs and walls and all the different stuff, I need to familiarize myself with different chemicals and techniques.

    I'm with you, there is a mountain of information on this website, and I'm learning everyday.....:)

  5. Hey guys, I haven't even got my new mobile rig yet and I'm getting calls for business. A customer wants me to clean this wall. It has a tremendous amount of buildup do to the sprinklers over who knows how many years.

    Will this actually come off and look nice? and What do I use?

    Sorry for being the new guy and asking these silly questions. I really didn't plan on getting into this kinda stuff, but I'm not going to turn money away. If people want help, I'm going to help them. I planned on getting this new system so I could do some sidewalks, so that I could get some huge account's hoods. Word is already spreading and people are already calling. I have no idea what I'm doing, so I need your guys help in the meantime.....

    Thanks in advance.....


  6. WOW...I'm trying to comprehend all of this info and it's hurting my brain :) I know when I'm filling out w-9's or whatever from different clients of mine it seems so confusing if I were a corp or LLC. I understand the benefits being seperate and all, but doesn't there have to be x number of "board meetings" per year and all this bologna. I dunno, maybe I should not just listen to people that probably don't know what they are talking about (some of my moron friends) and consult an expert....

  7. The Dr. pulled her out and I said my girl has balls.The Dr looked at me and laughed he said I don't see any balls but I do see 2 testicles.

    Thanks for the laugh...great story :) When my wife was pregnant we bought only yellow and green clothes...just in case

  8. Devin, I admire your vision, I was just like you when I started. Now I'm 28 and have a very successful business of my own. Hang in there and be prepared to work harder and smarter than anybody else you know.

    I'm not sure about the laws in Canada, but make sure that you follow the right path. Business license, Insurance the whole thing. If your going to do it, do it right. I don't see any reason that you couldn't start by mobile car wash.....don't use the 3000 psi machine on cars though :)

  9. Hey, this is a good idea you guys. I don't like to even take my daughter to some of these places because of the smell of urine and who knows what else. *thinking out loud* I wonder if there is some way to get a contract with the city for cleaning the parks around here......*ok end of thinking, my head started hurting* :)

  10. Hey everyone....

    My name is Anthony as you can see from the sig, and I live in southern California. I have had a hood cleaning business for going on 2 years now and it is doing very well, however, I have not been able to get a few jobs from the chain type restaurants because I wasn't capable of pressure washing their drive-thru's and the sort. So, I just purchased a (really nice) rig to do this sort of thing and in the process found this forum. I have ran onto a whole new venture that I didn't even plan on....residentual pressure washing.

    In the desert here we don't have any mold or black streaks on the roofs or some of the other stuff that you guys back east have to deal with, but we have a lot of alkali buildup on roofs and concrete is always dirty wherever you go so that should keep me busy for a long time. :)

    I have already started bugging you guys with my questions and can't wait to bug you some more :) This forum has been a really blessing and I look forward to chatting with you all for years to come.

  11. HotShot Pressure Cleaning, a division of HotShot Hood & Duct. 1 set of books. Keep it simple.

    Thanks ALOT :) (just kiddin) that's exactly what I was looking for. How do I go about that? Just file the dba, then I can use that term at will...

    Ken...thanks. I'm not incorporated. Before I ask the question of why incorporate and is it really a headache to be incorporated, I'll do a search on here and see what you guys have said about it already so you don't have to explain again :)
