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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Kevin, Jeff and Matt...I'm curious why you guys think McCain lost. Please keep it civil.

    My opinion is this: I don't think McCain was the person that conservatives like myself were looking for. It was very hard to get fired up about McCain in this election. He's not conservative. I think we got off track to what we normally and historical stand for which is less gov't spending, less gov't intrusion etc... Just my take, what do you guys think?

  2. I would like to congratulate Obama on his victory tonight. We threw a lot of mud around with each other during this election year, but I think at least most of us agree that we want the best for our country. I hope that Obama governs from more of the middle of the road than his talking points lead to believe. I disagree with A LOT of what he "says" he plans on doing, but he's still my president and he will have my respect for that alone.

  3. Clearly, a desperate man. LMFAO! Enjoy the peace and prosperity that Obama will fight to restore to you and your family's life in the next few years. Your posts crack me up.... Keep em' coming!

    Me desperate? HA HA... I'm not the one, nor my party, out in front of voting places with nightsticks trying to intimidate voters. Look in the mirror dude...

    By the way, I don't rely on the gov't for my prosperity, you may, but I don't.

  4. Get out there and cast your ballot! Take an umbrella if it calls for rain. Take a book or something to read, take a snack, it may be a while. Just vote!


    p.s. Obama/Biden 08!!!!!

    Yeah, and if you're white, you may want to bring your guns because there may be some black panthers there blocking your path. You may have to defend yourself.

    Can you imagine if some KKK members were standing outside a voting place with their garb on??? My goodness, how these racists are soooo anxious to get their guy in. Just like Colin Powell...it's all about race.

  5. You ever been to Philly, I lived there for a couple years. Everything is about race in Philly, it was a crazy ass town 30 years ago, still is

    I voted for Nader LOL

    Nader...hahahah...good one.

    Never been to Philly, the only Norhteastern state I've been to is New Yawk. What a dump that was.

    It's about race everywhere dude. Some people just mask it better than others, but it's always about race. At least to liberals..hahahahah

  6. Nobama is a legend in his own mind...he hasn't taken over anything. Maybe tomorrow he will, but for now, he is nothing but an unqualified, senator from who knows where that couldn't even be a police officer in most departments. If he does win the election he deserves to be treated with respect. As much as I disagree with him on just about everything, I will still respect....well, that may be the wrong word...nah, I still respect the "office" of the presidency.

  7. Just signs EVERYWHERE....I think the silent majority in this issue is tired of being silent and taking the backseat on this issue. Let's just hope that it's a slap in the face of those judges tomorrow thinking they are God...

    Protect Marriage, Vote Yes on 8 !!!

  8. Dang, you smoked me Scott...I was 13.75 I was hoping to be at least double the average. I try my best.

    What a silly concept. When a little volcano (Mount St. Helen's) burps, it puts off more CO2 than all cars since they were invented shows me that our "carbon footprint" is absolutely asinine. I'm all for being good stewards of the earth, but hugging trees or worshiping the creation rather than the Creator (Rom 1:25) is all this is about.
