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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Also voted Chicago's 1997 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR and highly respected community leader. He's grown up since then, you think he's going to fire bomb you after he becomes president? What are you afraid of? [/i]Oh, I see. Since he's older now it's ok that he pals around with a known terrorist. Time doesn't forgive murder dude..

    Do you know what "community" he was leading? Do a google search on ACORN. They have been sued by several states AND SETTLED because of registering voters illegally! That's Nobama's great success.

    Citizen of the Year....woopdy freakin do. Al Gore got a nobel prize...so, does that make him any less wacko than he is?

    How can you tell what she is, other than a trained seal reciting what she has been told to say by her "HANDLERS".

    I can tell because of her history as a mayor, and governor. She actually has a record of success, unlike Nobama.

    Do you really want to go there about Palin and her preacher? Need I bring up Nobama's G-D'm, America hating preacher?

    You want to compare Obamas preacher with a WITCH DOCTOR who was expelled from Kenya for harassing women he thought were witches? Do you believe in witches? Uhmm....yes I do.

    How about Caribou Barbi's first dude's separatist group membership until 2002. Their founder Joe Vogler - "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government," Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of the AIP. Vogler was found murdered after a plastic explosives sale gone bad.

    I don't know enough about this to comment on it.

    It's looking like most of America does not see Obama as "the radical left wing". It looks like most Americans want their country back. Peace.

    Their country back? Back to what, surely not the constitution. If they had wanted that, then more people would have voted for Ron Paul. If you mean they want us to go backwards, then I understand what you mean though. They want to go back to the Jimmy Carter days of high taxes, gas shortages, high interest rates, etc, or did you mean the Clinton days of immorality, sticking babies that were half born in the back of the head with sissors a higher jobless rate than with Bush or turning down Osama bin Laden 3-4 times when he was in custody?

    People don't see Nobama for what he is because he is a good liar and McCain isn't doing his job of telling everybody and calling him out. Trying to be too bipartisan like he always is. That's his biggest problem.

  2. The dirty talking and mud slinging is hurting McCain the more he or his campaign does it the lower in polls they go.

    We can bring up a lot more than what I am posting,, the Keating 5, The lobbyist the are running his campaign, The Karl Rove guys that are running his campaign, the same ones McCain said they will have a special place in hell when they tanked McCain in 2000. The erratic behavior he has been doing. He says he's going to Washington to help with the bailout but he stopped a a fundraiser 1st and it took him 24 hrs to get there. Palins witch preacher, places his hand on her to expel the witches. Her husbands connection with the radical that wanted to secede Alaska from the USA, the ethics probe she said she and her staff would cooperate with then said she wouldn't. The nasty lies she and others are inciting people to actually say KILL Obama, its a mean nasty stupid and losing tactic and they are to stupid to figure it out......Its about the economy stupid not backstabbing nasty lies and exaggerations they are spewing. He could of had a chance if really was the Maverick he used to be. If he loses it, its his tone that did it

    People want someone to look towards someone to look up to, someone even handed not mean & nasty

    Jeff...McCain WON'T fight back or mudsling...that's what has conservatives pissed off. Plus, it's not mudslinging, it's factual information, the man has many ties to REALLY bad people. Ayers is a terrorist dude, A TERRORIST!!!

    And the reason that McCain doesn't have the support to win by a landslide in this election is because he doesn't have a whole lot of support from his base. People like myself. I love to listen to Palin, she's conservative. In the debates the other night, I couldn't tell who was more liberal, Nobama or McCain. That's sad! I'm voting for McCain for 3 reasons: 1). Palin 2). To keep Nobama as far from the white house as possible, I think he's dangerous with his ties to terrorists 3). I think he's the right man for the job when it comes to the war on terror

    Do you really want to go there about Palin and her preacher? Need I bring up Nobama's G-D'm, America hating preacher?

    Gee why do you suppose the GOP people at the McCain support rallies are so nasty? Things are spinning down around the tidy bowl folks....and they are being mean and nasty and pulling their own party down! AND...even McCain came out and told them to stop being like that. Sheesh!


    People are watching McCain sit back and not do anything about Nobama's ties to terrorists while the polls are showing him lead in the race. We don't want to see our country taken over by a radical left wing, no experienced, tax raising, linguini spined, friend of terrorists, wuss! The gov't takes enough of my money already and gives it to people that are too freakin lazy to get a job and pay for themselves and their 15 kids by 15 different dads.

    McCain is the only one that can change this election. I know he has the balls, but he's gotta step up to the plate and use them to get it done. He's a real American hero and he's letting the media and the limp wristed libs step all over him. He needs to man up.

  3. Obama will discover that the world is not clean and tidy

    Richard....I'm positive that Nobama already knows this. Since he's in bed with terrorists [fact] and the crooks from Fannie Mae, ACORN etc he already knows about all the crooked stuff that goes on in this world.

  4. :D

    But seriously Jeff aren't you just a little concerned about these ties to these people? It's not an opinion, these are facts. There are lots of accusations against Bush, yet he has never been found guilty of anything. It concerns me that the potiential next president of the United States has ties to people that have blown up gov't buildings and such.

  5. It's no use Rog....if these people don't mind that Obama is buddies with Bill Ayers (another Timothy McVeigh like Rush said today) then let them be. Can you imagine if Tim McVeigh was out teaching how to bring down capitalism like Ayers is? Can you imagine if this scumbag was tied to Dubya? There is such double talk coming from liberals that it hurts my head to think of how hypocritical they are.

  6. Hey Ant,

    Happy, healthy, and on my way to Heaven - what could be better that that? In respect to "wise", I would suggest that trait rests with you - see Prov 6:6. For me it's 'just the facts, mam, just the facts'.

    As a sideline insight to prior post, I nearly fell off my chair with laughter when I saw comments which suggest that Sarah Palin is somehow 'slow' or has not the ability to answer a question. First, the basic premise of logic is that a silly, trivial, or non-logical question is not a question and can and should be ignored or rebuffed. She has done exactly that on occasion. A couple weeks ago Palin was in our city and one of my grandsons and his wife were able to attend the rally. They were 25 feet from the podium standing right next to a mentally challenged person who had attended a previous rally. Upon concluding her speech Palin jumped off the stage and made a beeline to this person. She greeted him by first and last name and chatted about some fact of his life about which she was privy. She had met this person ONCE at a prior rally at which she met thousands of people! She treated my grandkids like old friends. She is the real deal, and has a photographic memory to boot. She knows or will very quickly learn all issues, and I'm confident will act with dignity, respect, and firmness. I wish it were she running for President.

    I'd come over and post on TGP if I were able, but havn't been able to figure it out since the new format - lemme know if available to me.


    Proverbs 6:6 "Go to the Ant, thou sluggard; consider [his] ways, and be wise:" Hahahah...good one man. I've been trying to convince people of this for years, but for some reason, they just don't believe me :D

    I have learned a ton from you, you are wise and appreciated.

    People can't get past the fact that even though Palin is gorgeous on the outside, she is also VERY smart with a big heart that walks the talk. It's hard for liberals to get this concept. Most (not all) of them are too high and mighty to actually live by all the rules that they want everybody else to live by. They like to talk, but when it comes to actually walking the walk, they don't do it. Here is ONE example of that.

  7. OK, that's it. I'm filing for bankruptcy tomorrow...oh wait.

    Forget all this hard work stuff and trying to make my small business work. I'm asking for a bailout from The Grime Scene to keep me in business. Why should I have to work hard and maintain a budget when there are people that have much bigger companies than I. Why shouldn't they pay for my company?

    I would like some funds from all the companies on TGS that do more business than I do starting next week. I need these funds to continue my business. I would also like TGS to support my advertising efforts and would you kindly send a salesman to my area to sell for me? Just make sure that they are a minority, I don't care if they are qualified or not, just as long as my company seems diversified. That's all that matters, right?

  8. Well, I guess that is the fundamental difference between you and I Rod, I don't see the gov't as the entity that makes this the greatest country in the world. I see the people that go out there and create jobs for people. I see the people that go to work everyday and provide for their families. I see the men and women that voluntarily serve in our military and put their lives on the line just so we can live in a free country.

    The gov't gets in the way of a growing economy in my opinion, they don't need more money, they need less money going to the RIGHT programs! They need to give MORE money back to the people that actually pay the taxes in this country so they can create more jobs, JUST LIKE BUSH HAS DONE THE LAST 8 YEARS. The unemplyement rate was lower than it ever was with Clinton for most of those 8 years even though we were attacked and forced into war that costs a lot of money.

  9. Republicans seem to have a need to speak ill of others who do not share their same views and even creating dividing lines amongst themselves. (liberal, conservative etc) I call it paranoia in the face of potentially losing credibility because of all the mistakes made up to this point. And you know what is even more incredible? They haven't learned a thing!


    I think it's funny that you said for Rog to keep the labels to himself because he didn't know you....well, you don't know him either yet you called him a republican. He's not!!!

    Rod, look through history and find a liberal program that turned out to NOT be a mistake. Which mistakes are you referring to about "republicans"?

  10. Finally got to talk to my buddy today that lives in Texas.

    He said his neighborhood is all but destroyed. Most the houses are still standing and stuff like that, but just about everybody's roofs are badly damaged, trees are on cars, no electricity, fences blown down etc..

    I asked him if he needed any help. He said that his neighborhood is like a big family now and everybody is helping everybody. After they all work on each other's houses they have a big block camp out. The sound of generators purr in the background and they are making the best of a horrible situation. He said that his dad drove down to help out and brought a ton of ice...he said people were tearing up when they started handing out bags of ice. All the stuff we take for granted.

    This is the kind of stuff that America is made of. People working together to help their fellow neighbor out.

    He also said that there were some minor trouble from the riff raff like stealing gas, stealing generators and things like that, but for the most part, they are like a big family now.

    How come you don't see too much of this on the news?

  11. Thanks for those links Beth.

    The new VOC regulations have effected the KEC industry a little. ZEP sells the best stainless steel polish on the market and because of these new laws, they are not permitted to sell it in SoCal anymore. It's a real bummer. I'm not trying to push a ZEP product, but I'm just saying that other vendors are probably effected by this. So restaurant owners are going to have to accept the fact that their hood will not be as pretty as it was before after using a quality stainless steel polish after cleaning.

    Of course there are alternatives, but they are ALL inferior. I don't want to get into the whole liberal, tree hugging thing on this thread, but this is exactly what happens when the good people stay silent and don't stand up to morons. Sorry, don't mean to rant, but it just makes me mad that now we have to use an inferior product because of something soooooo stupid.

  12. Scott...I do see your point about poverty being a mindset, not a financial situation. I guess if I look at it that way, no, I don't understand poverty. But as far as financially poor I understand all too well.

    I was born and grew up in Wurtland, Kentucky. Yeah, we were rednecks, hillbillies and any other name you want to call us. My dad went from one crummy job to the next or most of the time juggled 2 or 3 jobs just to try and pay bills. I remember my mom crying on a car ride back to the house because we were turned down for food stamps and she didn't know how we were going to eat. She wasn't telling me about it, I just heard my dad trying to comfort her. It sucked and I'll never forget it.

    Finally my dad caught a break and made the most of it. My uncle who had just got out of the army got him on out here in California (Ft. Irwin) working on tanks. It sucks out here, just in case you haven't been here, but you do what you gotta do to take care of your family as long as it's moral and ethical was my dads attitude. And that's exactly what we did.

    I still remember all of my family telling my dad how stupid he was for leaving the family and security and the green and the etc of KY and all that we knew to go to a state where we knew no one and was going to fall into the ocean anyway. Well, my family was wrong, my dad was right. Now he's back in KY enjoying it because he had the balls to make something of himself and isn't exactly hurting for money anymore. He's not rich by any means, but he's no where near poor especially in his attitude.

    That's why it sickens me when the Jesse Jacksons of the world get up and tell these people that the "white man" is holding them down, or they really can't do anything without his help...BALOGNA...this is the land of opportunity, just gotta hold out for that opportunity and when you get it, take it and run like the wind.
