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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. What do you do with them? Do you eat them? (never heard of it, but you never know) and do you skin them and cure the pelts?


    Well, since my multi-quote button isn't working for some reason, I'll respond to these seperately.

    You can only eat them if you are a Chinaman. We skin them, flesh them and dry them. After they are dried we take them to the fur sale. Some of the prettiest ones I get tanned and keep myself. I love their fur.

  2. Well, I could only make it through about 2:50 before I wanted to throw up. He doesn't make a good point. He's a tool and an idiot.

    Any homosexual can marry in any state of the Union and receive every one of the privileges and benefits of state-sanctioned matrimony. He just cannot marry someone of the same ***. These are rights and restrictions all citizens share equally.

    "Gay citizens" already have the same right to marry as anyone else--else to the same restrictions. No one may marry a close blood relative, a child, a person who is already married, or a person of the same ***. However much those restrictions may disappoint the incestuous, pedophiles, polygamists, and homosexuals, the issue is not discrimination. It is the nature of marriage itself.

    I'll finish this post later. I need to go spend some time with my kids before I go kill a couple coyotes/bobcats.

    to be continued....

    The government gives special benefits to marriages and not to others for good reason. It’s not because they involve long-term, loving, committed relationships. Many others qualify there. It’s because they involve children. Inheritance rights flow naturally to progeny. Tax relief for families eases the financial burden children make on paychecks. Insurance policies reflect the unique relationship between a wage earner and his or her dependents (if Mom stays home to care for kids, she--and they--are still covered).

  3. There are gajillions of them around here. Also, fur prices have been really high the last couple years so that makes it nice too ;) What started me hunting them was when they ate my little neighbor girls' puppy. It completely crushed them and it pissed me off. It was on from then...

  4. Anybody else have a video with 93,350 views? :D

    I can't believe this many people have watched me shoot a coyote. It's great. I hope it inspires a lot of people to go hunting. It's really fun and challenging and you may even help out a rancher or two.


  5. True Story, I swear...

    Our family friend is a teacher at a secondary school here in Barstow and works with pregnant teen mothers trying to get through school. She got a new student and her name is


    She asked her how to pronounce it and she said...bahahahaha....this is the funniest thing I've ever heard...hahhahaha....

    "Ladasha...the dash don't be silent"


    I didn't realize that dashes had sounds....hahahahhaha

    That takes ebonics to a whole nuther level. So, I've been thinking of some other ways to use this....uhm, unique writing skill. We have a c@ and a dog. My wife is going to start spelling her name Kris10 (Kristen).

    Maybe I was wrong and the gov't DOES need to be involved with the school system. OMG, I can't believe somebody could be that stupid...I was just dumb-(dash is silent here) founded.

  6. I have been reading a lot of stories lately about police departments cutting back their recruitment programs and even some having to lay off police officers. This really burns me up. The ONE THING that this gov't SHOULD be involved with and spend lots of money on is the protection of this country and the citizens thereof.

    I think it's absolutely ridiculous that POLICE forces have to worry about money, when they are giving Trillion dollar bailouts to loser mortgage companies that were too stupid to do the right thing.

    Well, I just had to get that off my chest for now. This really ticks me off and I hope President-elect Obama does something about it. He doesn't have a good track record for being really police-friendly, but we'll see what happens. I'm hoping for the best...

  7. As much noise as we make on the job site, I am not too worried. But yes, I have been looking around. Anthony - any idea how big that bear would be? Part of me (small part of me) wishes the bear would show up long enough to let me snap a pic of more than a print.


    It's hard to tell without some kind of comparison picture. Even then, I don't think I'm good enough to be that accurate. Do you have any pics with your hand or something like that next to one of the tracks?

  8. The nation has spoken and so it is....

    Ant - Your first post here is why you will always have my respect brother. I agreed and disagreed with you silently throughout this election but at the end of the day you and others that have spoken on this subject only wanted what was best for the this country.

    You know if you ever come north on I-5 - you are always welcomed at the crib!

    How did I miss this post.....?

    Thanks Carlos, I appreciate that dude. ;)

  9. I read this quote today...first time I've ever seen it, but it really shows how smart of a man President Lincoln was.

    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln

    Even though we may not agree with Obama's stance on issues in the past, we conservative/republicans need to respect his presidency until he proves that he is not a man of character while in office. Bill Clinton is the perfect example...he proved himself over and over...scumbag. GW Bush also proved himself I believe...Person of character.

    I would also like to say for my fellow Bible thumpers, lets not forget that God said that He ordains the leaders that are in place. They are there for a reason. God's will..will be done. In Romans chapter 13 you can read all about how we are to respect their authority. Can we disagree with him...absolutely. If he goes against God's word it is our job to voice our disagreements and such, but he is still our president and should be respected for that.

    Also, another thing I wanted to add. The only thing that will heal our land is not who is president, or who is in congress, etc....

    2Ch 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

  10. The intent of this thread when I started it was not to turn it into another political debate...I also promised to keep it civil, so I will. But, I have to respond to these.

    This cartoon really speaks volumes. What an amazing day in our history.

    God Bless America.


    See, I don't get that. I have never been a person to judge people by how much melanin they have in their skin. I don't think people should have special "rights" or be promoted for that reason either. If a conservative black man would have been running, I think we would have supported him just the same. Not more, not less. We look for qualifications, and obviously Obama was/is not qualified for the job. You can argue if you like, but it's simply a fact.
    That's a great cartoon,Beth. My country feels like a safer place today.
    Now, I don't get this either...we have not been attacked in 7 years, Bush did a great job with National Security.
    Isn't that a cool cartoon? Really makes you stop and think about what our forefathers intended. :USA:

    Beth :USA:

    I'm pretty sure our forefathers never intended the gov't to be the size it is now nor have the power that it does now. They would roll over in their graves...well, if they were buried alive and could roll over in their graves :D