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Everything posted by Kory

  1. Help!!!!

    get a honda!
  2. Funny Plate

    lol thats great.
  3. Ladies I need your help.

    enough said
  4. Selling trailer rig question

    I think it would be hard to get 3k psi and 8 gpm out of a 20hp honda
  5. What I got for $19.50 at the MB/RT

    These events are worth every penny and more the knowledge, insperation and connections made at these events you can not put a price on. Glad all had a good time
  6. A day I will never forget!

    Sept 11th we all know exatly where we were and what we were doing when it happened. Many are missed but never forgoten. Thank you all of you first responders.
  7. have you released the pressure?
  8. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    I was in NOLA 5 days after Katrina as a home inspector for Fema. Unless you where there it is hard to comprehend. The people of that city have a lot of pride and will always come back to rebuild. Beth I agree there are good people in NOLA however they are a minority. I seen first hand people trading fema cards for drugs! People with kids in their arms. Then I would see them beg for food at salvation army and if the did not get what they wanted they would start fights. I seen them complain about free food! They would try to claim damages that did not accure saying they had rooms full of furniture and appliances. We heard shots fired nightly Cops were giving guns to home insectors for protection when we where not allowed to carry. It was serious. Look at the crime rates after the evac. Atlanta and Houstons nearly dubbled over night. Its a welfare state and you can see that if you have ever been. Its not just in the 9th ward its in every Parish.
  9. How much would you charge?

    I would price it by how long it will take me + chem cost+ fuel+ insurance+ labor + PITA factor.
  10. I spilled gas on my crotch once The ride home sucked!
  11. Teachers with Guns?

    I could understand other methods I.E tazers or rubber bullets but guns are a bit excesive
  12. Be Safe Florida

    I seen that on the news last night that is the funniest thing I have ever seen! I think that would be so much fun minus the landing on A1A.
  13. Be Safe Florida

    The traffic getting out is the problem!
  14. sonic resturants

    they have the same set up here they never use it. All the stores look like crap, but the food is great
  15. Should I Buy This ?

    if it has a 7.3 L hell YEAH buy it
  16. Updated Site

    Let me know what you think. www.kandjproservices.com any suggestions would be appreciated.
  17. Is this a joke ? Who is washing houses for $39 ????

    I quit going to there site after reading there pricing a couple years ago. There equipment seemed high and the suggested price list seemed too low.
  18. Is this a joke ? Who is washing houses for $39 ????

    The local dealer tells newbies to charge $50 an hr.
  19. Dirty jobs!

    Cat generators inside semi trailer. They are portable powerstations for the electric company. I left looking like a reverse raccoon I was black head to toe except where i my sunglasses covered my eyes. A patio covered in dog pee & poo....I turned that part of the house down.
  20. Home Biodiesel plants???

    I almost it did but the PITA factor changed my mind. cost of processing chems has gone up as well. If your a tree hugger its worth it if not cost is to close for the time and PITA. You can get 55 gallon drums that would be a cheaper than a big steal container.
  21. For a better world

    Give them a teaching license!:lgbounces
  22. Alright I want to know more about this x jet. Why is it so special I see everyone post how they use it. I want to know what it does other than shot 20-30 feet. Can you adjust the fan or do anything special? I have a .0040 tip I bought at a local shop for $15 bucks It shoots 30-40 foot 0 degrees & pulls fine downstream. I'm tring to justify spending the $$$.