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Posts posted by Kory

  1. I was in NOLA 5 days after Katrina as a home inspector for Fema. Unless you where there it is hard to comprehend. The people of that city have a lot of pride and will always come back to rebuild.

    Beth I agree there are good people in NOLA however they are a minority. I seen first hand people trading fema cards for drugs! People with kids in their arms. Then I would see them beg for food at salvation army and if the did not get what they wanted they would start fights. I seen them complain about free food! They would try to claim damages that did not accure saying they had rooms full of furniture and appliances.

    We heard shots fired nightly Cops were giving guns to home insectors for protection when we where not allowed to carry. It was serious.

    Look at the crime rates after the evac. Atlanta and Houstons nearly dubbled over night. Its a welfare state and you can see that if you have ever been. Its not just in the 9th ward its in every Parish.

  2. Cat generators inside semi trailer. They are portable powerstations for the electric company. I left looking like a reverse raccoon I was black head to toe except where i my sunglasses covered my eyes.

    A patio covered in dog pee & poo....I turned that part of the house down.
