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Posts posted by Kory

  1. I have a hard time finding navy blue shorts that will not stain from bleach. I heard Dickie's are good but I can't find any I like. The only ones I can find go to my shins and make me look like Eminem. I'm 5' 11" so its not like I'm that short. Any suggestions?

  2. Atlanta has a lot of bad areas that weren't so bad 3 to 5 years ago. When I went to New Orleans, a month after Katrina, I felt it very necessary to take my gun with me down there for obvious reasons. The place we were working on, was completely deserted for at least 7 to 8 miles.

    Thats where Atlanta went bad letting the New Orleans degenerates stay in Atlanta. Thank Shirley Franklin for that.

  3. A .380 isnt enough 9mm or 45 is the ticket. But in that situation I dont think a gun would have helped unless he pulled one out on you. I actually had a guy in a 80's cutlass Big Rims tring to mess with me coming of the 10th st onto 75/85 on ramp He couldn't keep up with my Ram Air Trans Am.

  4. Atlanta isn't a racist city . It cant be everyone hates everyone. I just moved from woodstock the first of the year. Racisim is the only thing I dont miss about georgia. I do own a 9mm Glock but I dont carry only because I feel it could get me in more trouble than my mouth could talk me out of.

  5. The 11 Pitfalls of Startup

    The road to startup doesn’t have to be rocky: Being aware of these all-too-common mistakes can help you avoid them.

    By Brad Sugars

    September 25, 2006

    Related Articles from Brad Sugars

    The 11 Pitfalls of Startup

    The road to startup doesn’t have to be rocky: Being aware of these all-too-common mistakes can help you avoid them.

    Every day, literally thousands of regular, sane and normal people take the plunge and start their own businesses. As they survey the hazardous landcape, little do they know how easy it would be to avoid the traps that so many of us have fallen into.

    If you’re in the initial phases of starting your own business, then I must warn you: Avoid these mistakes as if your life depended on it. Because it does--your financial life, that is.

    Let’s look at the pitfalls I’ve seen entrepreneurs have to dig themselves out of all too many times:

    1. Buying a job rather than a business. Yes, you’ll have to be involved in the daily operations at the start, but remember that the ultimate goal is to grow your business into much more than just a job where you work hands-on every day. Work on the business, not just in the business.
    2. Being a great plumber but having no idea how to run a business that sells plumbing.Your former jobs are all an apprenticeship to running your own business. Be an apprentice in all areas, not just in the trade or profession of your business. Most important, be sure you’ve paid attention to all aspects of business in your past jobs, no matter what they were, so you’ve done your basic, “how to run a business” apprenticeship.
    3. Taking on a business partner. Most people give away equity upfront to a partner. Yes, there are examples of partnerships that work, but most don’t. Unless you’re absolutely sure about your partnership, hire people to help you out instead.
    4. Starting a business from scratch rather than buying an existing operation. Starting from scratch may seem cheap, but it’ll cost you the most expensive asset you have--time. Buy an undervalued company, and build it up, rather than start from scratch.
    5. Thinking the business idea will make the company. It’s the people who make a business successful, not the product, not the service and not the new invention. Focus on building a great company as much as you do a great product.
    6. Thinking too small. Many startup entrepreneurs want to generate a wage for themselves and nothing more. Instead, aim to build a profit, aim to build something large, and aim to build something great. If you shoot for the stars, you may fail, but at least you’ll make it to the moon.
    7. Competing on price and price alone. This is by far the fastest way to send yourself into bankruptcy. Business is about profit, and having a smaller revenue with a larger profit margin will always beat out winning tons of business but earning almost no profit. Learn marketing and sales so you can get out of the price wars.
    8. Trying to cost-cut your way to success. By saving a wage and doing the work yourself, you forget that nobody’s out there drumming up new business for you. Focus on bringing in the business, not saving a few pennies.
    9. Hiring cheap employees. You get what you pay for. Getting the right people is crucial, so don’t just hire anyone. Wait until you find the right someone.
    10. Focusing on only one area of your business. Business success involves three main areas: sales and marketing, finance and administration, and operations. You have to keep all three working and growing in unison, not just the area you’re good at.
    11. Not testing or measuring anything. Knowing your numbers is vital. In fact, you can’t manage what you don’t measure. Measure everything from day one, from how many new prospects you have to how many sales you make.
    12. Doing the work once and getting paid once. The key to success is to do the work once and establish a long-term, income-generating relationship. Learn to structure your clients, your business and your income that way, and you’ll build a great business.

    You might have noticed there are 12, not 11, pitfalls to watch for. That’s because a good business will always deliver what it promises, but a great business will deliver more than promised.

    I like # 7

  6. Hi Kory

    Any chance of a photo?

    Is it just the oil stained area that is discoloured, or the area that you cleaned?

    Is the concrete weathered, with exposed pores, or steel finished and smooth?

    Do you have hot water?

    How long was the oil there before you could clean it? How many times did you degrease and p/w?

    My guess is that the discoulouration is deep in the concrete, more oil will rise over time, so cleaning again in a week or two may be useful. If the discolouration is still obvious then ReKrete (or similar) may be helpful.

    Failing that... tell them to learn to love it.

    I will try on the pic battery was dead on the digital.

    Only the oil area is discolored.

    The crete is a couple weeks old

    Stain was there 5 days.

    I hit it twice with degreaser and 220 deg water

    This is at a unsold Hanna & Barletta home one of the best builders in Tampa.

  7. I have a job that they got hydraulic fluid on concrete and paver's I went out today and put down some heavy degreaser PW it and the paver's turned out great. The concrete did not turn out so good the oils all came up however there is a difference in color the area where the hydraulic was and was not. The stained area and unstained dried at the same rate and there was no water beading. Any ideas on how to get rid of the discoloration.

  8. Take the ROBO challenge I guarantee you will not get sick again for at least a year! Whats the ROBO challenge you ask! Drink a entire bottle of robotussin. The only side affect I know of is some people have a short period of hallucination. But seriously I have not been sick (other than self inflicted) for like the last 5-6 years. Thanks ROBO!
