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Posts posted by Kory

  1. Hey guys my brother is available as a helper if needed. He works with me when I need it. However, I have not had to much lately, if you Tampa guys need a helper give me a call 813-407-9077 and I will get a hold of him.

    He is recent high school grad and on his own so he can use some extra cash. He does have a regular retail job but is looking to make some extra cash. The more notice the better chance he can help you.

  2. I have cleaned a couple of houses this week that have a smoke like looking stain on the soffit & Facia. Have any of you come across this? I tried A degreaser and a gutter cleaner from newagain both where brushed in and only lightened the stain a little. none of the homes had fire (for you wise guys)! My house wash and Chloine have not gotten it off either. Any Suggestions

  3. I think the reason mexicans where mentioned is because they are the only group of 5ft tall no english speaking immagrants that have SWARMED our nation. I dont care if it's Woodstock GA., Marrietta GA, Cali, Chicago, Tampa (places I know well) there are a crap load of them. Here in tampa there is a Getto that 5 years ago when I left there where nothing but Black (African Americans to be PC) basketball players on the courts. I drove by the other day not one other nationality but hispanic. I am sorry but I dont understand how there is any one left in Mexico.

    It's Like the old joke: How come mexico does not have a olympic team....... Becasue all of the ones that can run, jump or swim are already here.

    P.S I'm not racist I hate everyone EQUALLY

  4. We have very little work comming in right now. How are you guys doing? I have Fliers postcards and newsletters out. Now Im thinking of doing door to door. I know kids are back to school and gas is up. This month is sucking if it weren't for my commercial accounts I would be up the creek without a paddle. Sorry I had to vent.
