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Posts posted by H2O PRESSURE

  1. A builder has asked me to fix an area on a home that is being built. Above the garage doors, the brick (or is it just the mortar?) is lighter than it is elsewhere. He says the reason for this is that the brick froze. Whether it froze before it was laid, or not, is unknown to me. It happened last Winter, I assume, since it hasn't been cold since then.\

    I'm trying to figure out how to post at least three of the pics I have, but who knows. I'm certainly no computer wizard, obviously.

  2. [ATTACH]4301[/ATTACH]


    Attempting to attach these two pics, to show the dirt. Doing this one small section took me about a half hour, with Purple Power, and a lot of scrub brush action. It's usually called INSANITY. Garden hose pressure. I have 3600 psi with about 3.8 gpm, but it doesn't affect this in the slightest. This clean section is very smooth and new feeling, as opposed to the grime finish. Paint was not damaged, or so it seems.

    My Citraclean was s'posed to be delivered yesterday, but was rescheduled to be delivered today. Will it make me happy when I try using it on this? Maybe I'll just have to use it full strength. If I mix it with anything, what should that be? House wash, Purple Power, SH, or just water?

    Sorry if I did steal this thread a little bit. My first response turned out a little different than I intended it to!



  3. I'm still pretty darn confused, as I read some of the things written in this thread. It's said that a singlewide will take 20 minutes to clean? I must be slow, because it takes me 20 minutes just to wash my Dodge Stratus. An entire singlewide mobile home?? I'm still trying to find the secret chemical that cuts this black dirt without scrubbing for 10 minutes on a 3 sq.ft. section. The sections I've cleaned with PP come out beautiful, without harming the paint at all. IT JUST TAKES FOREVER, CONSTANTLY SCRUBBING. Plus, I need to reapply at least three times, then scrub some more, then rinse again and again. I'm too old for this much scrubbing, and I figure it would probably take at least 3 eight hour days to get the whole place cleaned. For $30.00? More like 300 minimum, plus chemical costs. What in the world am I doing wrong?? My wife's starting to think I'm a dumb-a$$. HELP PLEASE!!

    Thanks so much,


  4. How are you applying the PP? I apply it full strength via a brush and it works just as good as any other gutter cleaner in my opinion.

    I apply it full strength also. I think it's an amazing product, but it still requires a lot of elbow grease on textured surfaces. I'm being told that some of these other chemicals are more aggressive, so I'm really hoping they are. I don't want to take the paint off, which is why I don't use MEK or acetone, but it'd be great if anything and everything ON the paint would just rinse off.

  5. I went to Home Deepott today, and they'd never even heard of Formula 88. They told me that maybe it's a "regional thing" that only other areas carry. I was pissed. So, I ordered some Citraclean today, and I hope it'll make me very pleased when I get it, Monday or Tuesday. This purple power just isn't strong enough to melt the black that I'm dealing with. Too much use of a scrub brush. Screw that.

  6. This Gutter Shock sounds wonderful, and I'll be getting some REAL soon. So, now I'd appreciate some opinions on what is the best way for me to do gutters that are 25 feet off the ground? A brush on a loooooong pole seems like a heck of a reach, but that still sounds better to me than toying with an extension ladder. What are my other options? Since you have to "agitate" the product (which was a very good word to use), would you still say that the Gutter Shock is all that much more effective than Purple Power, which also needs to be agitated? Also, when I'm cleaning the just-as-filthy downspouts, will I need to worry about getting the Gutter Shock on the colored vinyl siding?

    Thanks again,


    edit; What would you all think of me using the Gutter Shock product to clean old mobile homes that are not vinyl sided? Same aluminum and finish as the gutters, so I would think it should work okay? What about cost effectiveness? Or maybe I'd be further ahead mixing up a special potion, and if so... what??

  7. I would SERIOUSLY like to know exactly what you used to do such a nice job on this! You joke about purple power, which has been my miracle cleaner for a few years now! Unfortunately, I'm well aware of the work that would still be involved by using the stuff (to make it look this nice, I mean). I have a neighborhood full of three story houses that want me to clean the bottoms of gutters and downspouts, so I need something that will cut the dirt without me having to go up 25 feet of ladder with a darn toothbrush!

    I've read of quite a variety of chemicals and mixtures, so now I'd just like to know what your secret potion is. I will greatly appreciate it!



  8. It's actually bazaar for me to see this topic. I've had plans to make an appointment with my doc for a while now. My good arm is extremely disabled, and I honestly don't even know why. I'm pretty sure it's some sort of arthritis, or something. Like mentioned by others, I still have most of the strength, but if I try to use that strength sideways, or some other odd way, my arm tell me, "Absolutely NOT!"

    What's kept me from making an appointment is the fact that my primary doctor is in internal medicine, so it just aggravates me to think I'll go see him, just to have him set me up with some other doctor, like an orthopedist, or whatever. Before I set up an appointment, I'm going to see what any future posts here have to say. Input is greatly appreciated! THANKS!

  9. Hello, everyone!

    I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Celeste. She sent me a link to TGS, and I am totally grateful! I hope to do some work for (with) her husband soon, so I can expand knowledge. I tried to give Carolina Pro Wash credit for sending me here, but the name wasn't to be found. After it was too late, I discovered that the reason it wasn't found was because I USED SPACES BETWEEN THE WORDS! CarolinaProWash would have worked better. SORRY!

    Anyhow, it's beautiful outside, yet I can't quit reading all of this info! I really look forward to building a great relationship with all of you and your companies.

    One more thing, my wife, Yvonne, owns 51% of our company, allowing us to qualify as a minority business. We hope this will assist us in gaining employment on a commercial basis. Opinions always welcome. We live 2 miles into South Carolina, yet our business is incorporated in North Carolina. Yes, we are still learning. I figure once we're not learning anymore, it's time to change careers (again). Always feel free to get ahold of us.
