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andrew hartigan

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Posts posted by andrew hartigan

  1. I bought one of the replaceable cartridge masks from pressure wash store and seems like it works ok. Was pretty cheap so i didnt expect much. However I feel a strong desire to buy a really nice mask that filters out everything to go along with my rain suit, gloves, and boots. Might get some weird looks here in florida but nothing is worse then getting chem soaked clothes , smelling like an indoor pool all the time, getting chem burns, and worst of all is inhaling chems. any advice on which models filter the best and where to get them??

    Remember everyone:

    Keep cleaning, no pressure.

  2. I definitely rinsed the housewash off completely before I started using the oxalic.

    I went back today to touch it up wtih the xjet using 4lb to five gallon mix with no proportioner and it worked perfectly. Completely got rid of all the streaking. The customer came outside when i first got there and was soo excited that I got the rust stains off in the first place and thought it looked great. He couldnt beleive i was going back through to even things up. Worked out good cause he owns a mortgage company and is going to give free housewashes etc to clients who purchase/refinance. Told me that he was going to get the house painted but there is no need now. Felt good , another job well done. Thanks again for the advice/help.


  3. I did a 2500 sq foot stucco house today. It had bad rust stains on stucco from irrigation. I went through and xjetted my house mix on the whole house/gutters etc etc

    I then went back through with a pump up sprayer and spot treated oxalic acid on all of the rust stains. Then i sprayed off with water. It got rid of most of the rust stains but it still doesnt look like i want it to. There is a little bit of streaking on both sides of the house from the oxalic. (strong stuff)

    I told the guy i would be back tomorrow morning to put on another coat of oxalic to even everythig up.

    Question: Can I xjet oxalic acid or is it too harsh???? I have m5 xjet with proportion kit. I ordered pure oxalic acid from the chemistry store. Need to know what ratio to mix (water/oxalic) in the xjet pail and if i should put it on with a proportioner or not?? I really appreciate the help cause i dont think doing another coat with the pump up will help as i cant cover rthe whole side evenly.

    ps when you say 4lbs to 5 gallons oxalic, how do you measure the pounds???

    any other ways of figuring it out.

    thanks again guys


  4. Yeah i decided to go ahead and order it which for my last job i just used as an open container cause I was in a hurry and really couldnt figure it out.

    I just stuck the screen end of the xjet hose in the opening and carried it around.

    Anyways, i still really cant figure it out unless you take the screen/filter out of the bottom and run that pvc hose into it or something

    any help would be great


  5. I really appreciate all your help. I really like the examples sent and will definitely go to a individual pricing system. I like the idea for the discounts cause around here that is what everyone looks for.

    Quick question.

    Do you think i should put something on there about how i use low pressure and industrial strength cleaning compounds etc just to show that i use professional methods and that im not going to blow off their shingles and bust the seals out of their windows???

    Or would you just explain that in the bid.

    thanks again guys

  6. im a newbie to the board and i must say that its is probably one of the best discoveries i have made. I really appreciate the seasoned pros out there that take their time to educate us.

    Just had a quick question on naming my business

    i am kind of caught between ________ powercleaning or ________ exteriors.

    Just curious what everyone out there thinks about the advantages/disadvantages of each

    maybe im overthinking

    eithere way i apprciate any feedback


  7. yeah i have done some research and roof cleaning seems easy to sell with all the mold and algae in florida and the damage it can do

    seems most people around here use chlorine right?? or a chlorine/bleach mix

    seems the most cost effective and from what i heard it does a great job

    low pressure with teh shurflo and then rinse off with the gun on low pressure or even a garden hose

    dont think xjet would apply a strong enough mix

    any advice on how to bid roofs?????

    thanks again for any feedback

    oh also anyone have any tips on insurance companies in florida area that offer cheap liability

    i would think 500,000 should be sufficient for residential


  8. a) good idea, prices change anyway

    b) housewash seems a little pricey we usually do 150 to the 250 range not a paint prep.

    c) we look at driveways as a time measurement most are in the range of $65 - $175

    d) how are you measuring the roof?

    e) most decks are in the $75 - 125 area

    f) I hate windows

    Eventually you will look at a house and say "4 hours." Then you will have a better gauge on your time and cost and what to charge.

    good question on the roofs,

    probably just use my wheel, or take the sq footage of the house and try to figure in pitch somehow, ive heard that adding a 1/3rd will usually get you close

    for the house wash you think 10c a square foot would b e too much???? what about second story and gutters

    thanks for the feedback on deck and driveways

  9. We are just starting out in the powercleaning field and I have done alot of research(books and online) as well as done a couple jobs for friends etc. I have come to the conclusion that:

    a.) first of all I dont want to list my prices in advertisements(will lose phone calls)

    b.) housewash 10-15 cents sq ft(depending on material and 1st or 2nd story)

    c.) driveways (flatwork)10 cents sq ft

    d.) roofs 13-15 cents sq ft

    e.) deck cleaning and refinishing (not sure yet)

    f.)windows(not sure yet)

    do these prices sound about right???

    I want to sound professional when i do a bid and at least want a baseline for what I charge

    do most people charge for chemicals and setup etc or is that usually all included?

    I know this is alot but i just want to be competitive, our selling point will be quality of work and excellent personal customer service so i want to be right in the middle of the pack pricewise

    thanks for any feedback


    ps do most of you offer window cleaning as an add on????

    seems like it would be an easy thing to do and could make you some good $$$$
