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Everything posted by Kennedy

  1. I've been lurking for a while, but this is my first post and much thanks to those who keep this great site going. We just washed and brightened a redwood deck today with Cabot's Problem Solver that was sealed with Sealmaxx about a year or two ago, but didn't look like it had anything on it (black, faded, water tested and soaked right in). The problem is that it didn't brighten that much and we tried a second time scrubbing our buns off, but not much better (rails and spindles grayed out). Does this stuff need to be striped, can it be, or has anyone else had any experience with it. We were intending to stain to give it some UV protection, but I worried that if the brightener didn't work so well should we put stain on top of it?
  2. Acid Wash a Garage

    If you are just washing the floor (or even etching) let the customer know that you are not responsible for the longevity of the coating. Concrete should be ground or shotblasted to properly prepair for an epoxy coating.
  3. What makes you mad

    I guess you found a hood cleaner for your client! Thats pretty rude.
  4. Great Quotes for the Holidays ?

    "If love is blind, why do they make lingerie?" Someone's signature on a forum (sorry I can't remember who or where) Happy Holidays!
  5. Bottom Line is....

    Great post FCPWLLC!
  6. I had a similar problem this fall (warm days). Two, 2-3 year old homes right next to each other, scrubbed with full strength and rinsed, twice, and nothing happened. On the back side of one of the houses, there was a small section of gutter that came clean (a 3 foot peice), but nothing else. We actually tried 2 different gutter cleaners and neither did much. I always wondered what was going on or if anyone else ran into this situation.
  7. I bought a new portable 5.5 gpm machine to replace my (don't laugh) 2.8 gpm without thinking about house water supplies. What would be the best way to set-up a portable water tank for those homes that don't have the flow needed for my machine. I am a painting/staining contractor with no trailer so this thing has to be loaded and unloaded from a covered pick-up. Thanks for any advice.
  8. Not Thinking

    Thank you for all your advise. This forum has been a gold mine of information and has helped raise the quality level of the work we produce in the wood refinishing field. A very professional site I am happy to be a part of. (Truth be told I have been waiting for a "painter" dig.) Thanks again-Sean
  9. Not Thinking

    Unfortunatly, I have to keep so much painting stuff in my truck at all times a huge tank really isn't a possibility. With the breaker tank, does it matter how much hose I have between the tank and the machine? I guess I always figured the pressure from the hose bib helped the pump not work so hard and by bypassing that pressure with a tank might make everything run hotter.
  10. Not Thinking

    Thanks for the replies. As far as my back goes thats what apprentices are for (just kidding). Down the road I would like to get a trailer set-up, but for now I am primarily a painting contractor. This will be for painting prep, house wasing, and wood refinishing. We dont do any roofs or flatwork.
  11. Sealmaxx

    I did and it seem nobody really knows anything about it, just what they hear. I am primarly a painting contractor, but do some (@ 10 per year) deck strip or clean and stain, and have never come across this problem.