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TNT Pressure Washing

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Everything posted by TNT Pressure Washing

  1. Has anyone seen Lynrd Skynrd/38 Special tour?

    Last year for my birthday my Dad bought me tickets for Lynyrd Skynyrd/Allman Brothers Band and Johnny Van Zant had that vocal cord problem and had to cancel and I got sooooo bummed. I ended up not even going.
  2. I Thought This Was Funny

    I received this in an email and thougth some of you may get a kick out of it. DT A little cowboy attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs, rump and chest. After a few minutes the little cowboy asked, "Dad, why are you doing that?" His father replied, "Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy." The little cowboy, looking worried, said, "Dad, I think the FedEx guy wants to buy Mom."
  3. Can't get your burger due to closed for cleaning? Call 911

    I think I've washed that lady's house. LOL
  4. Lights(Halogen) on rigs

    This is kinda off subject, but do yall have lights near your receiver hitch? I have seen lights that mount on either side of your hitch for hooking your trailer up at night and I was wondering how good they worked.
  5. What we think of each other

    The customer asking for more work at no pay is one I run into. I am sure that (like me) everyone has had that customer that just wants a quote to do their house and you try to sell them on flat work and they don't want it until you are finished doing the house and then only want to pay house price.
  6. Do You Have What It Takes? (to be an entrepreneur)

    Thats a great post Ken. It really puts things into perspective. I got a friend that needs to read that.
  7. 1st Day of School

    That'll be me getting teary eyed in a few years. I got a 20 month old and shes my world. I even went a got her foot prints from her birth certificate and got them tattooed on my arm ( I have a pic of it if any one cares to see it)
  8. Holiday lighting info

    How would you advertise this service? Word of mouth?
  9. Cleaning at the Lincoln Memorial

    I think that would have been a blast (no pun intended) to do.
  10. HERE is a lowballer!

    Anyone notice that the numbers on the truck window and the PW number are not the same numbers? Truck might be hot. LOL
  11. 3" Spider

    FWIW When I was a kid I called them garden spiders. We used to check on the day after day until they moved on.
  12. Best Red Dirt Removal from residential homes

    I also ordered some F-18 MAX from Bob at pressuretek. I can't wait to try it on GA red clay. Might want to give it a try too.
  13. Best Red Dirt Removal from residential homes

    I have some stuff that works great...it was actually given to me and the guy that got it bought it at a concrete place. Might was to start there.
  14. Oh poop

    I had a friend who moved in a house and the people that had it before didn't take care of the stove and it had grease all over it so he unhooked it and took it outside and pwed it.
  15. I bought a surface cleaner last year at Northern. It was a Northstar rated for 3000 psi and 2.6 gpm. I look back now and realize that it was not sized for my system, which explains why it didn't work right. I am looking at another one at Northern. It is made by General Pump rated for 1000-4000 psi and 8 gpm. Does anyone own this particular one or what kind do you recommend? I have a 13 hp 3600 psi 4 gpm. I am not limited to this one, I was just looking for one around here that way I wouldn't have to pay shipping on an over sized item. Thanks for the imput. DT
  16. Help Choosing A Surface Cleaner

    Thats is the one Bob and I talked about.
  17. Stolen gas

    Just my 2 cents....Like they said on Tin Cup, a 7 iron is the perfect club :)
  18. Help Choosing A Surface Cleaner

    OK thanks for the imput guys...I actually talked to Bob at PressureTek yeterday. I am pretty much sold on the Whisper Wash. I keep seeing that name pop up a lot.
  19. Help Choosing A Surface Cleaner

    Thanks for pointing that discussion out to me Alan. I have never thought of it that way before Mike, you make a great point. I hve bought several things from PressureTek and they have the best customer service hands down. Thanks for the advice yall.
  20. cool link for house prices

    Neat site...mine was wrong. It listed houses around mine that are not even on the same road. One was 10 miles away. It also said my house was built in 1965, but the house was built in 1980.
  21. Logo Theft and Fraud

    I like Barry's idea. LOL
  22. Oh Boy I need help Part 2

    My Mom has a cat at this is what her screen door looks like. The one pic where it is just around the edges looks like something was trying to trim out the screen.
  23. deck+housewash

    The deck looks great. I had to look just to see if there was a house attached to it.
  24. For those who love the philosophy of hypocrisy and ambiguity

    Heres some to add to the list....Why do Kamikaze pilots were helmets? Why do you drive on a parkway but park on a driveway? If someone comes up to you and says "I'm liying.", are they telling the truth or lying?
  25. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    Yeah...I can relate to this one...my wife looked at me like I was crazy because I do that. :lgsideway