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Everything posted by Captain

  1. used my new m5 today

    Forget the proportioner and just change the mix in the bucket. That's why an x-jet is so versatile. Change mix from one house to the next or even from north vs south side of house. Or your next job for the day might be spraying Ox or deck stripper. Keep It Simple works for me!
  2. Where in the World??

    Ten- I - See. 60 miles east of Nashville
  3. I need to vent...

    The integrity of you, and your business, says that you will go clean the window because you have bargained to do so. You sold the owner a cleaning job and he has already paid you. I just ate a lift rental fee because I didn't include it in the estimate and couldn't shoot 40' plus with an x-jet. Know what, I paid for the rental and cleaned it because thats what I bargained for. Them to pay and me to clean. They have already sent me 2 referrals this week because of my INTEGRITY. Go make it right because its the right thing to do.
  4. Sodium Hydrox. I think. I will have to check the MSDS to be sure. I know it works great on grease! Never tried it on roofs though. Maybe next week if it quits raining.
  5. This deck is 7 yrs old and has never been treated. Black stain is from gas grill that dripped on the deck boards. What do you think?
  6. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Real life, personal experiences that are not explainable by any other factual means. Divine intervention on a personal level that means that you know, that you know , that you know that there is a LOVING God that cares for you and only wants the best for you and not to punish or destroy you. Testimony: Clean and sober for 3 yrs because God did for me what I couldn't do for myself. Best life I, and my family, could have ever imagined!