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The Cleaner

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Posts posted by The Cleaner

  1. I say we pull all our troops out of every third world country that we babysit.surround our borders here at home with the mighty alliance of our armed forces.Point all our big guns at the people who wish us harm,and spend the trillions of dollars we would save right here at home on our homeless and veterans and developing other energy sources to fuel our own well being,and to HELL !! with all of them!! Religion has been the reason for almost all the wars in history,John Lennon had it right (Imagine No religion) (72) Virgins my A$$ !!!

  2. From what I understand, most, if not all, areas in FL have been covered, with the possible exception of Tallahassee...they wouldn't go for my price to drive up there and clean it. I was contracted to do Gainesville and Lake City, at a bit more than they were initially offering. Not sure now what's going to happen.

    Didn't one of the guys here get something like 25 of them?

    They called me and said they were putting a hold on cleaning? I dont have a clue whats up with them.I got to tell you i did 3 of them and only the areas stated on the work order, which was the front patio,the receiving door area 15x15 and the dumpster area.With 2 guys and my set up it took us 45 min each location.They took the chairs off and put them back,and only 1 location had the dumpsters moved,we went around the rest of them.The only reason i took them for that price, was because i had other accounts right around the 27 CB that i took..

    All the managers called after the first cleaning and wanted the service on a monthly basis.This is what i think is the problem and the reason for the hold up on the cleaning.But who knows,no one ever got back to me and let me know..As far as doing a sub par job,that is not something i would ever do!!

    I fiqured that i would make up on the price by doing the sidewalks on the sides of the bldg,and offering my service on a monthly or bi-monthly service.I have found out that once you get your foot in the door with these retail chains and you prove yourself as a company,pricing can always be negociated.

    I can say this for a fact because it has been the way in for me with all our clients.You can tell a new client that you are the best company for them until your blue in the face,they have all heard this line a thousand times.But prove yourself to them and you will enjoy a long relationship with your customers for years to come.

  3. Scott,

    The Cb in my area and I assume they are all built pretty much the same. Have a front porch area about 100' X 12'. Sidewalks are on both sides, 4'X60' +-. Back area designated as 15 X15', but grease, grime, build up etc is usually spread all the way in a path to the dumpster, the dumpster area is some where in the range of 30X30 minimum.

    Every manager has slightlyvarying expectations, which include....The PW'r moves the chairs, if and when he feels like unlocking them. The Pw'r puts them back and they want you to lock them back up again. There are usually no fewer than 25 to 30 chairs and as many as they can put and stackon the porch during times like Xmas, mother's day, father;s day and any other opportunity to have a sale.

    I have been cleaning them for a number of years and have carried my share of chairs back and forth. When you are waiting for them to unlock and "WAIT FOR THEM TO MOVE THE CHAIRS" you may be in for a long night.

    The deal is,you call and give them a 3 day notice.They are responsible for removing and replacing the chairs.They are also responsible to make sure that the dumpster is removed from the pad.If this is not done,then you note it on the work order and go around everything.
