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Everything posted by Fredneck

  1. We just got job in Deep Creek Lake with a roof pitch of 12 deg. there is no way we are walking it! It is just this one side( I will attach pic)We are thinking about using a boomlift to get the right angle. Would any of you do this differently? And what would you have charged?[ATTACH]5419[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5420[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5421[/ATTACH]
  2. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Well luckily a close friend of mine works for an equipment rental co. I think he said a boom should be around 300-400, and he will come up to operate it for us. Not bad I say for safety sake! That will still give us a good profit margin....and yes, I agree.. it is a "mean roof"
  3. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Plus I always mention the cost to replace the roof verses cleaning it and that usually sells them....as you all know most of the homeowners out there dont know that some things are easy to just clean these days.
  4. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Well based on the pitch and travel distance......it was one of those let me over bid it and see if they bite...if not oh well. Well when I told them the price they said "yeah, that's what we thought it would cost" so I couldnt turn it down at that point.
  5. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Yeah, I got the job for $2000 for just the dirty side. Based on results we have had in the past with 12% and chem called xterminater(citrus degreeser) for the smell and my x-jet we have had great results. However we just havent had one this steep to date. I have a four man crew so climbing gear and a rinse man are covered. Well thanks for all of the advise from all the vets here, thats why I love this site. Were gonna knock it out and I will be sure to post pics during and after completion for everyone to critique. Thanks again guys!!
  6. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Plus a 16ft trailer full of luck...hahaJust curious as to how most of you here would attack this project and with what? Me....I'm thinking boomlift!! It is too steep to walk.
  7. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Yes we are doing the roof I though I mentioned the pitch...maybe not. We are set up well with all the usual. -Hydrotek 3550 5gpm -x- jet - climbing gear etc. etc.
  8. Hey guys-gals, Well we are new to the site and have a question: We are getting ready to clean and seal a deck(PT Pine) that is still new it's only 6mos old. I have never done one this new......any suggestions on do's and dont's for this project?
  9. New deck advice?

    Thanks...great to be here...Great site!
  10. New deck advice?

    Thats what I figured......maybe a good cleaning, then seal it up! Thanks guys
  11. New deck advice?

    Probably Ready Seal from sun brite....The thing thats stumping me is that the wood still looks like NEW