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Integrity Curb Appeal

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Posts posted by Integrity Curb Appeal

  1. Ditto on the Simple Green. If you put Simple Green Xtreme Clean, Soap, and 12% together and downstream, I don't need to brush, and they come out looking GREAT.

    1 gallon 12%

    16 oz SGXC

    8 oz Carwash soap with carnuba

    Downstream with a 0030 and rinse with a 0015.

    That is a mix that you can typically buy the day you need it.


  2. I wish my bicycle had a bed. Heck it was tuff enough to get a 2in. ball on the back fender. I was thinking of adding one of those little baskets on the handlebars. Does bob sale those? Maybe I can get it in stainless. If I ever get a truck, I can start marketing uphill!

  3. Ant had a good thought. At the end of the day remember we're all just people. We all just screw up. I typically don't consider my neighbors for services either. If things go bad, I have to live close to it. You mentioned you have a problem with keeping your mouth shut, perhaps they have a problem with opening theirs. I would definatly go with Ant's idea. You both win. Charge them cost on the front end. You look good, the cost of the stain & chems are covered, and you feel better.

    Plus, think of the example you can set for your daughter.

    Just my .02

  4. As far as I know sodium hypochlorite at any strength doesn't come in a powder form. Calcium hypochlorite is powder but not recommended for use with cleaning. Found out by trying it, really hard to dissolve. At $236.00 per 35 gal. seems high to me.I get 53 gal from Univar for around $200.00, and I'm pretty sure others here get it for a good bit cheaper even. Gotta do what you gotta do though. If your looking for small amounts go to Wal-Mart and buy a few cases of 6%, as you should never need it at 12.5% strength anyhow. (I've added a signature but it has yet to display)


    I'm with you Jeff, that is the first thing I noticed as well. I pay 1.80 per gallon for a 5 gallon bucket. Are they charging a deosit on the 35 gallon container?

  5. I lost my x-jet M5 nozzle, and about to ordera new one. If you still hate yours I'll buy it. However, after you match up your orfice size, along with SC & 12%, you will laugh all the way home thinking wow, I used to use an extension, a turbo, etc... I remember the day I switched. But lets actually move even further, do a search on downsteaming. You have about 20 hours worth of reading... but you will be better by knowing each option. I love my x-jet, but downstreaming is great also. They each are superior to an extension wand, and each have their time and place.

  6. I don't know what your product was nor the supplier but the customer service and punctuality here is the most respected on the web. Your one source for everything pressure cleaning washer

    I agree...

    Everytime I ordered from PressureTek.com with the exception of once, I have received my product the next day, and have never requested RUSH. One time the address was wrong and it took three days, as the product was sitting at my local UPS office, and Bob was beside himself with sincere apology. Heck, I was excited about three days. We all make honest mistakes, but being unwilling to communicate with a customer... I would lose the trust, and would then have a difficult time ordering again.

    The "Customer is always right" statement is true in the fact that the statement does not translate "right" to "correct". It means the customer is the one has the money and has the "right" to chose where they spend it.

  7. Greg, I'm going to pick on you a bit here. I do not mean to be ugly, but I do want to be frank with to make my point clear.

    You said; "To me this is a severe strike on professionalism" and I agree. About the vendor, and about *your business*. Did the vendor have a problem with their supplier? You don't know. Nor do you care. Your customer feels exactly the same. All they see is that you made a comittment that you cannot keep. Keep stock on hand and if neccessary, make another order with another vendor. If you do not have free cash for one extra jobs supplies, you need to examine your cash flow and business model. If you are willing to break your comittments to a customer over a few extra bucks, you need to examine your future in a service business.

    Bottom line, When you make your problems your customers problems they fell like you do now. if you want to stay in business and prosper these problems need to be your problems and not your customers'.

    I disagree. If they committed to rush it, then they committed to rush it.

    He trusted their word and made a commitment to his customer. Now it is true that they both have a black eye due to this, but as a contractor we MUST be able to trust the supplier. Not answering the phone, flat out screams "I really don't care".

  8. I believe I am going to try Woodrich this year and wanted to know if anyone had any comments regarding:

    • Applying it to damp wood. How well does it work in this situation.
    • Does it go on easily without overlapping like Readyseal?
    • What is a realistc amount of sqft you will cover per gallon on 10 yr old pt pine?

    Any additional comments from a contractor that has used it will be appreciated.


  9. Actually I used an x jet and mixed a couple of store bought chems. I mixed ProForce HD Degreaser 45%, and Proforce Floor stripper 45% Soap 10%. Foamed up very well and worked great. There is probably something better without mixing, but it was cheap (Sams club) and I had them handy. One thing I love about the x-jet is that it foams very well.

  10. Ant (Hotshot) gave good advice. I remember on a past post he used foam on a building exterior and asked why we didn't use foam on residential work. I had a chimney that was baked with soot at a home I washed today. The foam ate the soot away. Orange streaks slowly ran down. I didn't think it would come off but the foam did the trick & it got me a $50 tip on a $350 house wash.


