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Paul B.

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Posts posted by Paul B.

  1. Italians have good beers also (Perroni is one).

    The reason you don't drink wine is because your only 1/2 Italian.

    I drank more wine when I worked in Italy, then I do now (didn't like their water).

    Drinking excessive amounts is a matter of opinion anyway - in my opinion, I don't drink excessively, I drink the right amount for me.


  2. Skylines can take some getting used to (for most it's either they like it or they don't - no in-between).

    You're right about the size - it's been getting smaller every year (just eat a few more). I make some at home from time to time with oversize Wisconsin dogs.

    I've been to many cities (including Detroit, MI and Green Bay, WI), many states and countries and I try to look for specialties of the region. As for forgetting about Skylines - NEVER (it's in the blood) - but I'm always willing to add one more coney to the reportoir.

    Thanks for the offer Tony, I'm always open to new experiences.

  3. Skyline is local - started by Greeks. Spicy but not a HOT spice. They sell chili, chili with spaghetti and cheese coney. The 5-way is spaghetti noodles topped with chili sauce, red beans, onions and lots of shredded cheddar cheese on top. Enough cheese to clog all arteries from one serving. They provide a bib for a carefree fiest.

    The cheese coneys are chili dogs with the same shredded cheese that they put on the 5-ways.

    The cheese on this coney is fairly conservative - it's normally 2x.

  4. You hit it on the head, Rob!

    When you put rinse aid in your detergent, you are weakening your detergent. You can get the same results by using less detergent. Best place for the rinse aid is in the rinse water.

    Detergents also work better and the rinse is faster/easier when your water is not hard.

    How many have taken a shower in a small town hotel that had hard water. Even with high water temperatures, the soap does not rinse easily when the water is hard. However, when the water is softer, the temperature can be lowered.

  5. We like them also, but mostly dine there when we are on the road. Know too many other good places in town, but turn to familiar places when on the road - if you know what I mean.

    I'll trade you one Cracker Barrel for a weeks worth of sunny 80 F days and a splash of salty air. (I have plenty of sand.)

    Scratch that ...I just remembered, Cracker Barrels have real nice fire places. Forget the trade for now - maybe this spring.

    Can you use a White Castle or possibly a Skyline Chili in trade?

  6. Jon,

    I was actually much nicer than it seemed - I think!

    The Ohio Golden Buckeye card is offered to seniors (60 and over) by the state. There are about 18,000 food, merchandise and prescription drug selling participants in the state. The places that accept it, will normally give you between a 5-15% discount.

    They claim that you can save as much as 25% on prescriptions but from what I hear (not from direct personal card owning experience) it's only 10%.

    I can't think of any famous Ohioans that lived to be 100.

    I know Orwill Wright was only 77, Thomas Edison was 84, Annie Oakley was 66. We had at least 7 astronouts, 8 presidents, and a steamboat full of others, but none that I know to have lived to be 100.

    So what is considered senior in CA - 110?

    Is that why you don't have any?

  7. I don't know how true it is, but it was said that the room Kobe used during his alleged rape, was occupied by another Laker the same day he left and prior to the local police collecting evidence from it.

    Not to belabor what I said (but as a side note):

    Back in the early 60's Nikita Kruschev was kissing his Russian comrades directly on the lips. He was not considered a homosexual, nor would any of his comrades dare to accuse him of being one. This kissing was broadcast on Russion approved Communist Propaganda newsreels at movie theatres. I saw the newsreels myself. Maybe the kisses were meant to be interpreted similar to the mafia "Kiss of Death".

    It was not a pretty sight!

  8. Grant,

    I don't know personally if the soldier that speared Jesus was a Jew or not, but it is stated that Judas who aided in the events leading to the death of Christ was. There were also many Jews who persecuted Jesus. You have to recognize that up until the birth of Jesus you were either a Jew or a Pagan.

    Even today, Jews as a religion, do not recognize the Jesus that was crucified on the cross as the savior, therefore Christianity is at odds with their religion.


    "I think it is up to them to prove they are not all that way not for me to just believe that they are harmless."

    I think you are asking for something that you know can't happen, and that is one of the basis why in this country, everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty rather than the opposite. What proof would you accept? Could they prove it to you by swearing on the Bible or the Qur'an?

    One Call,

    If we wanted to nit-pick, we could say that your statement "Yes we all are from somewhere else with the exception of the American Indian..." was not very factual since <The Fact is> that even the American Indian came from somewhere else. You would have to believe that he was a descendant of Noah (unless you believed in evolution and believe that everyone was a descendant of the American Indian). But we are not going to nit-pick.

    One Call & Andy,

    You claim that the Qur'an asks their believers to kill non-believers. Can you tell me if this is in the Qur'an, Torah, the Bible or all three?

    "...slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them;..."

    You can read the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah, and in each you can read that GOD tells people that everyone that does not believe in GOD (one GOD) should be destroyed. You can interpret that in many, many passages.

    The problem with reading is that if you only read or focus on part of a whole document, you can interpret anything you want.

    That is exactly what these terrorists have done.

    Christians have done the same in the name of GOD and so have Jews. All of these groups have killed many children and believers with their justification. Yet, most Christians, Jews and Muslims do not condone these acts or use their book(s) to justify these acts.

    In the Qur'an, GOD expects each person to become a believer, it encourages conversion. It also encourages patience, discovery, foregiveness. How would a Muslim in one part of the world know who is and who isn't a believer in another part of the world?

    And of course, how would one American know what is in the heart of ALL Muslims?

    But I'll go back to my point of: "Personal interpretation can twist and corrupt." Can you, after reading the Bible and Torah, tell me that GOD never directs believers to kill non-believers? So in essence, only the (one GOD) non-believers could be considered good people?

  9. One Call,

    You are right when you say:

    "...gives you no right to call me an aryan or to tell me to get my head out of my ass."

    As a Moderator, I can tell you and everyone else that this BB does not condone such personal attack and is out of place here. We do encourage discussion, however, we encourage all participants to keep discussions on a less personally offensive and more professional level.


  10. Maybe Mikey grew up as a poor Mexican or poor Russian child.

    Some of those poor families sleep 6 or 7 to a bed.

    In some parts of Mexico City, they sleep 5 or 6 to an entry-way.

    In some countries it's not considered a homosexual act for two boys to be holding hands. In many countries men kiss each other on the cheeks without being considered homosexuals.

  11. Beth, you are just way too nice to Jon.

    Truth be known - if Jon lived in Ohio, he would have already worn out several Golden Buckeye Senior Discount Cards by now, while Rod would still be too young to even think about having one. :razz:


    Not to be a smart-donkey ...but most places that carry extension wands can also get you the belt. The first two will lead you directly to the belt. On the rest ...you are on your own!





    www.DCS1.com (Delco)



    www.1800333wash.com (Water Cannon)



  12. Jon,

    He gets to walk free because he could put up enough bail money. You know money talks in this country - you get more jail time for robbing a bank than you do for robbing a person's home.

    He gets television time because someone else profits from it. Some of the news media and his record producing company are both owned by the same parent company.

    I believe all the lawyers, the ones that call themselves "The Nation of Islam", along with some of his relatives will suck as much money out of him as possible. When he has no money left, they will throw him to the sharks and will turn their back on him. (Just my opinion(s).)

  13. You are free to have your opinions as I am to have mine.

    I do not believe all Muslims in this world or at least all non-American Muslims in this world want to kill me.

    Neither have I found any passages in the Qur'an which states that Americans are infidels. If YOU can, you are welcome to enlighten me. An English translation is available at: www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/

    Do you know who is teaching some of these terrorists how to make bombs? Would you believe some of the teachers are Protestant terrorists from Ireland? Should I hate all Protestants?

    Who is selling weapons to these terrorists? Many are Christians and Jews.

    Who do you think sold biological technology to Iraq? It was America. America did it so they could fight Russia and Iran with it.

    Muslims live in many countries around the world, including but not limited to: Canada, Russia, Morrocco, England, Romania, Italy, Chechnia, Slovania, Bosnia and Herzegovinia and numerous other countries. The Muslim religion does not have a a specific country but half the people in the world that believe in one GOD are Muslims. I know they do not ALL support terrorism and they don't all hate Americans or think that All Americans are infidels. I have worked in many countries and have met many Muslims in my lifetime.

    Do you believe Muhammed Ali wants to kill all non-Muslims or all non-Muslim Americans? Do you think he would be a Muslim if the Qur'an said he had to kill all non-Muslims?

    "Stop letting the media control the way you think and think for yourself."

    I believe I am thinking for myself when I say I don't hate religions even if I disagree with most, but I disapprove of the people that twist their religion to suit their own needs: such as terrorists that call themselves true Muslims!

  14. Don't confuse the entire Muslim religion with the radical terrorists.

    After all, should we stop observing Christian Holidays because Christian priests molest children, or bishops and Pope's that have started many wars.

    Should we stop observing Jewish holidays because they killed or helped to kill Jesus?

  15. Alan,

    You can cut the material many different ways.

    However, if you want to sell it cost effectively, manual cutting is not the way to go. I wouldn't want to have to cut 2000-3000 of these manually (not even 40-50 at a time).

    When you are cutting the black pad on Monday, cut an 8 or 9" diameter pad and add a 5/8" diameter center hole that is concentric with the outside diameter. Think about how many you can cut this way in an hour. Greg's selling price for the pad was $22.50 for qty. 10.


    As I said, the material is not hard to find. Cutting a few by hand can be done relatively easy. Getting the manufacturer to do wha t you need cost effectively and in quantities under 10,000 is.

    If they do not have a die to cut 5/8 diameter holes, they have to make some (tooling cost is passed on to the purchaser). High production rotary die cutting inserts CAN BE somewhat costly.

    Adding the core hole after the fact along with getting the OD and ID concentric increases the cost of the pads dramatically .

    The industrial standard for the 9" diameter pad is a 2-3/4" core, anything else is SPECIAL order. The dimensions for the pad are: 9" OD, 3/4" thick, with 5/8" ID core.


    The one in the first photo is actually a brand new (never used) pad. It's the photo quality that is bad. The digital camera I took it with does not have a macro mode. I took the photo a while back to show someone what the texture looked like.

  16. I heard rumors of it a couple of weeks ago and Greg did mention a couple of months ago that they may get out of the selling business this year.


    Hole saw would not work well on this material.


    Defelting pads are used on a high speed buffer to remove furring on decks after stripping. It is much faster than sanding.

    Here is a close-up of it:
