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Paul B.

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Posts posted by Paul B.

  1. While attending a marriage seminar on communication, Wally and his wife Carolyn listened to the instructor declare, "It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other."

    He addressed the men, "Can you describe your wife's favorite flower?"

    Wally leaned over, touched Carolyn's arm gently and whispered, "Pillsbury All-Purpose, isn't it?"

    …and thus began Wally's life of celibacy.

  2. Envirospec states in their catalog that the K-7 and K-5 flow type unloaders do not allow an operator to downsize high pressure nozzles, because it senses flow. Reducing the flow at the nozzle causes the unloader to cycle repeatedly. These flow type unloaders should also NOT be used with weep type guns, as leaks will cause it to cycle.

  3. My first job was for a brick layer when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I don't remember how many bricks I hauled in the wheel barrow, but I know he didn't pay me at the end of the day like he promised. I told him if he wasn't going to pay that he shouldn't expect me back, as "I QUIT!"

    It was a very long time before I trusted another bricklayer and even longer 'til I carried bricks again for someone else.

    Lets see, ...I washed the side of our neighbor's house with a garden hose when I was 3 and was washing and waxing cars for pay when I was 10. I think I've got Lance beat!

  4. There are two basic types of stains:

    Film type - which forms a coating (film) on top of the wood (similar to paints).

    Penetrating type - stains that are intended to penetrate deep into the wood to allow it to work from inside out (moisturize the wood).

    One of the advantages of penetrating type sealer is that they can be cleaned and coated over several times before the need to strip and another is that they are generally much easier to strip off than film type stains.

    As said earlier, you do not want the penetrating type to atomize, as can happen with high pressure airless sprayers, since this tends to make you apply a thinner coat and also will allow faster drying, which may not allow enough time for full penetration.

    Larger orifice tips and lower pressure can prevent these problems.

    With film type, atomizing is not as big of a problem, since the stain is intended to be mainly on the surface. The problem atomizing can create with film type sealers is that if it dries fast, blending start and stop areas becomes more difficult.

    Painting a car differs, as no penetration is necessary; the paint should be atomized to apply in very thin coats since you would not want to have any runs ...and of course back-brushing would be a major problem along with using a staining pad, a brush or applying with a pump up.

  5. John,

    The reason catholics don't rush off to heaven is because they are told that suicide is a sin, with implications of diversion from heaven.

    There is a difference between Muhammed and Christ.

    Muhammed was a prophet and Christ is a GOD and the son of GOD.

    The death of a body is hard for most people to understand and justify, especially if it's a child. However, if the soul lives for ever, then a 100 years of someones life on earth is only like the blinking of an eye. There is a lesson in everything we experience (even in a child's death). The BIG questions are: What do we do during that 100 years on earth? How many of the 10 commandments can we master in 100 years?

    Remember physics: We can NOT create or destroy matter - we can only rearrange it.

    There were many prophets that were given directions to pass the word and it became easier to believe when many people from different parts of the world told the same BASIC story. Especially if they have not had contact with each other.

    That's pretty much what journalists do to factualize their writing - the more people that tell the same story, the more factual the story becomes. Obviously two people standing on opposite sides of the event will have some different perspectives.

    There are a lot of life and living basics in the Bible.

    How can we begin to understand the most complex parts of life and after-earth-life when we had to be told not to deffacate or urinate where we eat and sleep. The stuff can kill you.

    Thousands of years later... some people still don't understand that *** between humans and animals is not healthy - and that's been scientifically proven. And yet some persist!

    We want justification for life and after-life, however, we can not keep from murdering, telling lies, stealing and breaking seven other basic laws of GOD.

    And yet we persist!

  6. This is obviously a very complex subject and has been argued for many thousands of years in one form or another. People have spent lifetimes studying religion and creation but if you only study one side, it is much harder to believe or even understand the other side.

    Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in and have the same GOD, with Christians knowing that the way to GOD is thru Christ. Can so many millions of people be wrong about there being a GOD and creator?

    There are a lot of historical facts supporting creation. The birth, life and death of Christ, with over a hundred matching facts were prophesized in writing long before it happened. Were Jews not the first Christians? OK so not all Jews believe Christ was here already, but they believe in Christ and the same GOD. The disagreement is in the timing.

    Why is it easier for people to believe that everything was created by accident rather than a planned creation? Could such a thing as a human being, with thought and a perfect machine for a body have accidentally evolved from a single cell. Science can not prove it. However, it does say in the Bible that many scientists will have their theories disproven.

    Didn't Charles Darwin became a Christian before his death?

    As with anything else out there, the more you study the subject of creation, the easier it becomes to understand it and believe in it.

    Some people are lucky and have blind faith, others have to be led to the water while some can not see the water even when they are in it. Unfortunately having faith is not a given, but having a choice is.

    By studying different religions, it becomes easier to see how most are tied together with the same GOD. All deviations are created by man not by different GODs.

  7. I would recommend that you have your loan officer friend take a look at YOUR business plan before you submit it for the loan. He/she should be able to guide you as to what their financial institution uses as the most critical criteria or at least be able to tell you where you may have weaknesses.

    I say this because not all financial institutions are the same - some will approve you, where others may not approve you with the same plan. Your friend should have a lot of insight so try to use it to your advantage.

    P.S.: It helps if you have good credit history and have also used the same institution for car loans and other personal and business finances.

  8. Look what happens when a President gets elected in a year with a "0" at the end. Also notice it goes in increments of 20 years.

    1840: William Henry Harrison (died in office)

    1860: Abraham Lincoln (assassinated)

    1880: James A. Garfield (assassinated)

    1900: William McKinley (assassinated)

    1920: Warren G. Harding (died in office)

    1940: Franklin D. Roosevelt (dies in office)

    1960: John F. Kennedy (assassinated)

    1980: Ronald Reagan (survived assassination attempt)

    2000: George W. Bush ????????????

    And to think that we had two guys fighting it out in the courts to be the one elected in 2000.

    You might also be interested in this.

    Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can.

    Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.

    John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

    Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860..

    John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

    Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.

    Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

    Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.

    Both Presidents were shot in the head.

    Now it gets really weird.

    Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.

    Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

    Both were assassinated by Southerners.

    Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

    Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.

    Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

    John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.

    Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

    Both assassins were known by their three names.

    Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

    Now hang on to your seat.

    Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford..'

    Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'

    Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.

    Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

    Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

    And here's the kicker...

    A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.

    A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

  9. I wonder why it is easier for people to believe conspiracy theories than to believe the truth?

    It's amazing that there are some people out there that do not believe Hitler and his SS did the things they did. They think it's a Jewish conspiracy.

    How many people would it take to conspire to keep 6 faked moon walks from being exposed?

    The equipment was also designed and assembled to perform. Would there not be at least 1 person that could say that some part of the equipment did not permit such travel or landing?

    You would figure that at least one of the "Christian" astronouts would have a guilty conscience and would confess to the lies after all these years. Or maybe a greedy astronout - he could make millions.

    Does the combined Iraqi debt of several hundred billion dollars convince anyone that France, Germany and Russia had an ulterior motive and conspired to keep America from attacking Iraq.


    It's too far to the moon to be able to take photos or see any object of the size that was left on the moon by men.

    We did leave a mirror on the moon that many have pointed a lazer at and have the reflections returned. Or is it an aliens mirror?

  10. OK faked moon landing theorists:

    - Since we were in such a tight race with Russia, wouldn't you think that the Russians would be the first to expose the fact that we didn't land on the moon? - Not once, but six times (Apollo 11 thru 17 - Apollo 13 was close, but no cigars).

    Check out this site for arguments:


    This should explain why we stopped going to the moon:


    If you're interested, here is an explaination to why no cameras or telescopes can see the flag or other man made objects we left behind on the moon: http://www.redzero.demon.co.uk/moonhoax/Hubble.htm

    but the lazer is interesting



    Santa is bringing coal this year (same as last year). I've been real bad this year, just hope he brings enough to keep the coal furnace going - I hear it's going to be a long cold winter.

    Of all the aliens that travel to our planet (millions of light years) you would figure that with their technology, they would be able to land in neutral Switzerland where their existance will not be covered up. (Heck, everyone wants to open a Swiss bank account.) Hard to believe that every government in this world would be in on this conspiracy. And ...if I was an alien, I would be really ticked off if I couldn't meet with any leaders of this planet. If nothing else, you would think they would want to find out what all this "Hooters" fuss was all about.


    There are several Bible codes:

    - Reading the Bible, believing and having faith (the more you read it, the more becomes uncovered - but it does say that there is more to come and a lot of scientists theories will be disproven).

    - Another Bible code is death - it will unlock all kinds of mysteries - for some, the news will be better than for others.

    ..and the moon is made of American cheese! ...prove me wrong!

  11. Michael,

    Thank you for all your great contributions to this and other boards. The P/W folks will miss your expert advice, contributions, support and opinions. It will be hard to fill the void you will create.

    Wish you all the best in your new endeavors and good health to you and yours!

    God bless!

  12. Mike,

    That is old...but then there is a lot to be learned from old folks.


    Shur-flo is definitely a speedier method than the pump-ups. - I purchased our first one a couple of years ago and have added several since then. I'm looking to add one for roof-cleaning during the next couple of months.

    I agree about washing prior to stripping however, if the surface doesn't dry fast it adds time or is not dry when you apply the stripper it dilutes the stripper.

  13. I would be greatly troubled if you were serious. ;)

    He didn't want to carry money with his pictures on it as it would make it too easy to identify him. It would be like carrying a wanted poster.

    I bet he had Fruit of The Loom T-shirts and a cap with Nike logo!

    It just tells you how well some companies marketing strategy works.

    I took a photo of the moon with a 300mm lens the other night -lets see if we can see the flag.

  14. Mike,

    10:1 Ron is a Democrat and also believes:

    - Elvis is still alive,

    - A second gunman was in the grassy knoll.

    By the way Ron:

    We had more than 1 man walk on the moon.

    On a clear night, you can see the American flag and the lunar land vehicle on the moon.

    ...And stop sniffing HF - It's BAD for your brain!
