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Everything posted by charlie

  1. 2009 business?

    Next question. Did you step up your advertising?
  2. American Idol - How Did YOU Vote ?

    I think all the cougars voted for chris.
  3. TWP Cedartone

    4 hours? How?
  4. Attention Everyone!

    Also brings up a point is when pulling your trailor do you have the proper insurance.
  5. Economy churning out more PW's?

    All the time. No big deal I combat it by saying how long I've been in business. Since 1994. charlie
  6. MMI Try it you will like it. Defy has there original version, epoxy version, hardwood version, extreme version. None of the products are the same.
  7. I never had defy turn blue, been using it a very long time. Charlie Do this take a piece of wood apply defy then strip it sept and see what happens.
  8. What do you fear with using hd80 to remove defy. charlie
  9. This is how i would do deck using Defy 1 clean and neutrize it 2 Lightly sand with 80 grit sandpaper 3 Apply defy as directed I use a pad make sure there is no puddling up. Charlie Defy has a syntheic resin in it which helps penetrate into the wood.
  10. hd80 or there stripper will work on it. Charlie
  11. Free Publicity

    Very Cool. Charlie
  12. Annual Rant - Ode to fake phone calls

    Beth coffee in the morning and then liquor in the afternoon. Charlie
  13. Annual Rant - Ode to fake phone calls

    Its kind of funny all they have to do is get on the net half of you guys say what you charge already. All I ask from a fellow contractor is be legit and insured. After saying that they will find that running a business can be costly. Charlie
  14. Annual Rant - Ode to fake phone calls

    Had one email me Charlie
  15. Spiders

    Just team up with a pest control company you clean the house and let them do what they do best apply the insecticide correctly and safely. Just to let you kno I also own a pest control business. Charlie
  16. Spiders

    Spiders live in the crack and crevices of the home it needs to be prof. treated, if you are treating for spiders you must be licensed to do pest control. Charlie
  17. Volunteer work.

    I've called fox 6 letting them know what I was doing and they didn't have a problem with it. I have been on 3 times 2 times taped and once live which was interesting. Either way you approach it it will give you creditability with the community. Charlie
  18. Volunteer work.

    Besides the newspaper contact the tv stations. God knows we need some positive things in this country. Charlie
  19. DNR gave me a clearence letter. I used water to clean, waterbase to treat with a tarp under the pier to prevent treatment from going in river. When I do piers we do it this way or they remove it and we do it on land at least 100 ft away.
  20. Check with the dnr and get a clearence letter from them to do the job. You will have to probley have to get a label and msds sheets for them. Is there anyway the decks can be removed then you can do what you want.
  21. superbowl tickets

    Any one selling superbowl tickets? I need 2. Charlie