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Everything posted by charlie

  1. The amazing wood kid

    He just got a lathe today and is turning things already. I am going to have him make me some wooden pens. Charlie
  2. *Scam Alert*

    Chris Just curious how much did you have to pay? Charlie
  3. The amazing wood kid

    I told him he should make earns for people loves one. Charlie
  4. The amazing wood kid

    Beth http://users.wi.net/~ed95/ Charlie
  5. The amazing wood kid

    Here is his website. users.wi.net/~ed95 Charlie
  6. The amazing wood kid

    No problem Beth. The wood he uses is exotic wood for his pieces. The best part of this is that he had 25-30 people come up to him and said they came down there to see him. He also got two more orders. Charlie
  7. Stain Colors

    Any solid color you can have it tinted at a paint store. This product should only be used on the vertical surfaces. Charlie Send me $$$.
  8. Set a goal and go for it. Making it a goal of $2500.00 and in no time 1000.00 could be in a week. Believe in yourself don't listen to neg people. But the most inportant is to look at your business as a way of helping people freeing up there time, not lining your pockets with money. Good Luck. Charlie
  9. Let me ask you, do you have any experience in a service business? Are you goal oriented, meaning have you set goals and achieved them before in anything you did before, example ( businesses, sports, personnel life ), if so you on your way. My suggestion is do it part time till you feel comfortable in dealing with the ups and downs of running a business. Another suggestion is keep your eyes open around you of potential customer. To answer your question I can not. Any other questions PM me. Good Luck
  10. Seymore You can have it looked at a local university. Charlie
  11. Seymore Scrape some off take it to a lab and have it analized. Charlie
  12. If you sand it use a respirator. It could be arsenate bleeding through. Becareful. Charlie
  13. What is your motivation?

    What motivates me. I like taking something from nothing and developing it. Before I start an endevor I always tell people about it, if they try to discourage me I work harder to make it work. So whats motivate I guess the nay sayers. Another thing that keeps me going is taking off in the winter and helping kids through coaching basketball. Currently I coach a 3rd grade and 7th grade boys basketball team for the optimist group. Doing a basketball clinic on Sunday, for that the cost is 2 can goods for a local food pantry, An now I am a asst. coach for a middle school basketball team. So when this all done my vacation starts cleaning and restoring decks, fences, and concrete. Charlie
  14. Hanging Chimney

    I would suggest talking to a chimney prof. about your situation. Alot of codes and regulations. Charlie
  15. Any experience with Hardiplank?

    Can you post a picture of it? Curious on what it looks like. Charlie
  16. Pest Control for a national company. Now I own 2 businesses. Pest control and Wood restoration business. Nice thing about them both they go hand in hand. Charlie
  17. The product sounded like the product from GE, can't remeber the name. Charlie
  18. Hours a Week

    March - Oct Peak time 7 days a week 24 hours a day always thinking about the business even in my sleep. Nov.- Feb. 0-20 hours a week (Semi retired). Charlie
  19. How do you destress?

    Summer I play Softball. Winter play volleyball and coach 2 youth basketball teams 7th grade and 3rd grade. Charlie
  20. How do you define being successful?

    What does it take to be successful? Have a passion for what ever you do and you will be amazed how things fall into place. Coach Charlie
  21. Does everybody start out as a "lowballer"?

    No, lack of experience on running a service business. Charlie
  22. How do you define professionalism?

    As for a definition I don't kno. Being Prof. is a frame of mine. As for a company it is treat your customers the way you would want to be treated. Charlie I feel I am in Philosphy again. Is there a God or not a God?
  23. ladders

    Go to home show they sometimes have LG ladders there. Check them out before you buy one that isn't a LG and see the comparison for yourself. I just got my LG this year and like it alot. Charlie
  24. Christmas Cards

    We just send out christmas cards just to say thank you for being our customer, nothing else. We buy our cards through www.CardsDirect.com. Charlie
  25. Getting Paid

    Yes, That is why I get money up front. When I didn't have a signed contract that is when you are the most suseptible of not getting paid. Charlie