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Posts posted by charlie

  1. One way to motivate your wife is say if I accomplish this with your help we can do something like take a vacation, go to a lavish rest. , etc. Then have a reward for yourself only. Since I have been in business. I have been able to take my family to Disney and on a cruise. As for my reward I have gone to 2 world series games. And just last friday I bought a 2001 mustang convertible.

    This might help getting your wife involved.

    As for getting organized you have gotten great advice.

    Good luck


  2. I would never suggest that a homeowner do his own pest control, to many safety concerns in reguarding using an insecticide. Make a deal with a pest control service and you could get alot more business. If the pest control company says he just sprays the house don't go with them. Only use a pest control company that will do the crack and crevice treatment as I stated before. Besides owning a wood restoration since 1994, I also have been in the pest control business also for 18 years.

    Good Luck

  3. To effectively controll spiders you must use a micro encapsulted product that doesn't wash away after it rains. House must be cleaned first and treat the crack and crevices with an insecticide. In Wi. you must be a licensed pest control operator in order to use a such product.

