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Everything posted by cdposey26

  1. For all you Bush haters

    Well he is already 70, so this should have been the year, but I agree I think he would be a good candidate.
  2. For all you Bush haters

    Thats what I always here, any black republican leader is always just a pawn for Bush. What about Colin Powell, first black Secretary of State, and he did disagree with Bush on plenty of things, does he count as a black rublican leader or not
  3. For all you Bush haters

    and what about Condoleezza Rice, a black republican Secretary of State
  4. For all you Bush haters

    And dont make it a black thing, because Alan Keyes Republican has been one of my favorite candidates for years
  5. For all you Bush haters

    Yeah socialized medicine great idea
  6. Estimate sheets

    Carbonless Forms Custom Printed Carbonless Forms for Business Invoices and NCR Forms this is who I use
  7. Bush is soaking the rich!

    Sure Hilliary's well thought out plan of socialism will surely work, socialism has proved itself so effective in so many other countries.
  8. You can use Clorox outdoor bleach it has Sodium Hydroxide in it.
  9. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Well, I am going to recuse myself from this conversation, I respect the different opinions here and good luck to everybody. I do not do any residential work, but so called "low ballers" effect me as well. I hope everyone finds a way to sell their service and has mucho success. Thanks for allowing me to chime in.
  10. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Again, I do not see this advertising as a lie. Where do you get that it is a lie?
  11. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    If somebody hypothetically speaking finds a way to run a viable business charging $99 and does quality work good for them and we better all watch out. I am with you I don't think its a well thought out long term plan, but to each his own. All we can really control is what we do and how we do things.
  12. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I agree Scott, and you worded things nicely. When you word things like you are educating and not belittling it comes across totally different. Again, my point was never that I think a $99 house wash is a good idea, but I just know they will always be there. Everyone has a right to run things how they want and I do not think it is effective to dog people out and then think they will see your point.
  13. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I respect the fact you have a different opinion, I just do not like being talked down to, I have had many successful businesses and worked my butt off to get my MBA to have a good working knowledge of the business world before I started.
  14. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I take it back 7 years is good, congratulations, I should not have said that I apologize.
  15. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Yeah you sound really educated in smart by putting everyone down that questions you. Sorry, I didn't realize you were the end all be all, did not mean to waste your time with my ignorance. By the way 7 years is nothing.
  16. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I understand that too, thats why I think like most business it is hard to stick and stay viable, we obviously are not the only industry that deals with this problem. Unfortunately, this is a relatively inexpensive business to get into, so we come across more people trying to make a quick buck or give it a shot and they learn the things you are talking about. Trust me I am not in favor one bit of a $99 house wash or anything else that is so significantly lower than what I charge, but I just think people may be putting to much energy and frustrations in the wrong direction. I don't know anything about this guy, he may do great work or horrible work, I can not control that so why waste my energy complaining about. Cheaper work is not a problem that will ever go away, so what can we do to make ourselves better.
  17. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    That seems to be how things work and things are cyclical. Instead of dogging the guy, especially not knowing his work and his business model, we should be looking at ourselves and our business and figure out how we will excel in the midst of so called low ballers. Your service is only worth what people perceive its worth. Everyone likes to talk about it being other the other guys fault for driving prices down instead of figuring out what needs to actually be done to raise the perceived value. There is nothing ethically wrong with advertising a $99 house wash and selling other services, like squeegee says, there are probably some terms and conditions to that. The only thing wrong is we don't like somebody doing it for cheaper than we do because it makes it harder to sell our service. If it was easy everyone would be making lots of money.
  18. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Sounds like you need to get over it dude. If he can make a business by doing jobs for $99 or if it gets the phone to ring and sales them other services good for him. We live in a free market society and if he has a good business mind he will do fine if not he will be gone. Like you I would not do this, but there is a whole lot of dogging people on this board for guy trying to make his way. Unfortunately more competition means lower prices most of the time. Are you selling your service based on price or the service itself? Good luck, I hope you guys work through your differences.
  19. Webpages?

    Call Keith at KBK he did mine
  20. software/programs ?

    I would go with Act, its worked great for us for years.
  21. Spigot key

    Ace hardware has a good one, thats what I use.
  22. Vonage

    Yeah, I have it and have had for about 6 months without any problems at all, I would recommend it saves a lot of money and you can keep your number.
  23. Not sure if this is the best place to ask this question, but my hot water burner is smoking pretty good and thought I might need to fix it. I am hoping it isnt a huge problem. What do you think? As soon as I turn on the burner it starts to smoke out of the seems. At last check it was still producing hot water, but I have quit using the hot water for the time being to avoid any worse damage. Any ideas or suggestions on maintenance or repairs would be appreciated, I can't go to long with out hot water. If it means anything its a Beckett Burner. Thanks for the help.
  24. Burner Question

    I am gonna work on it tonight and see what I can figure out, I hope it is a simple fix. Thanks.
  25. Burner Question

    Thanks Rod, I will do those things and see if it fixes the problem.