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Posts posted by Karen

  1. Thanks so much for all the information! After looking at pictures of other decks stained with twp cedartone, I think it looks the way it should, I'm just not crazy about it. We're going to leave it for now, see if it grows on us. When it's ready for a new coat of twp, we'll use a different color or tweak a color (after testing) and yes, maybe hire a professional who knows what to expect with different types of woods and finishes.

    Do other people agree with Jarrod that twp rustic is a pain to work with? Of the twp 100 series colors what would you guys consider a medium brown? Dark oak looks really dark...

    Thanks again-- great forum.


  2. We used TWP 101 Cedartone natural on our old cedar deck last weekend. We prepared it by cleaning with oxygen bleach and then oxalic acid. The result is bright orangey-yellow. Does anyone know how long it will take for the color to fade? The fault might lie in our prep and obviously, we should have tested first and looked harder for a color we liked, but our Dunn Lumber only had cedartone and the sample looked good. If it takes forever for TWP to fade, is there something we can do at this point to make the color less yellow? We'd like for it to be more like TWP 116 Rustic...Thanks for any help, Karen
