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I do not know what to do with my dog

Here is the thing my dog back legs went out on him cause a little boy my wife was watching shut the door on my dog as he was running back to his cage.He yelled.So I took him to the vet and I paid out 450 bucks for them to tell me it was going to cost 4800 to drill out his spine.Now I have 2 dogs male/female and I have put around 4 g in to them in the past 3 years.Am I wrong for not wanting to pay out that much.Even if i did it it can still happen again he is a part of us.Do i put him down cause as of now he will never walk again and I have to make him pee cause he cant do it him self I do not think i can do this to him and i know its not fair to him to live this way...I need help on this one sorry this is off the pressure washing I have been down all weekend long thinking about this and looking at him

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We have 3 dogs and no kids......They are our kids. That being said, it's about their quality of life. If you can make it work and they won't suffer, spend the $. If not, do what needs to be done and know you did the right thing.

We lost a dog last year and still aren't over it, but we understand that things are what they are.

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