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Lightning Gene

Anybody ever Hit a Wal-Mart Truck? I DID


Cruising along on the way to a job this morning when a Wal-Mart truck came out of a truck Stop crossing 4 lanes of the Hwy. I told my helper hang on ....Had my brakes locked up and hit the trailer back by the wheels....Scratch 1 truck but it was driveable...Partner not hurt but spent 6 hrs in ER cking my neck shoulders and chest xrays.Pretty sore but I wll survive...He was given a ticket for failure to yield right of way.. Can You Say GENE-Mart?............

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Yep. I can also say litigious society.

Seriously, though. If you're hurt, you should definitely sue. Since you and your co-worker went to the ER, I'm thinking a lawsuit might be in order. I was in a van one time when an guy blew a red light and plowed right into us. That was just over 8 or 9 years ago and I am still paying for it with all my back and neck problems. I hate lawsuits more than most people, but some times suing is the only way to get what you deserve, and even then you normally don't fully get it (I only had medical covered . . . nothing for all my continuous suffering).

Can You Say GENE-Mart?............

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