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SW Attack?


My letter was written to SW for a response to their ad running on HGTV. Have you seen it? This kind of promotion will affect every contractor in every aspect of all industrys. Right now, it is my 2 cents, but could blossom into a serious problem for us all? Thank you.

My friends,

You have recently run television ads on HGTV. They are using terminology for home owners to come to your stores to learn how to paint. It's easy and you can show them the right way to paint and you will teach them to be painters.

My comments are not to be taken lightly. You are promoting to remove the professional painter out of our customers homes. We all know anyone can paint, however we are not all painters. With the economy down, we are all scrambling for work and business. By gouging the professional painter, you are in the process of loosing the professional painter as your customer. Look at your figures. Could you afford to loose the pro as your customer. If so, feel free to continue to sell the home owner on doing their own painting. Eliminate needing a painter to beautify their homes the correct way. After all, their is always BM, PPG, ICI etc. for the professional painter to shop at. Simply stated you don't need us, we don't need you. I certainly hope this message reaches the top of your business. For all our ability to survive, we must work together and not as individuals. Thank you.

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