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Fun Stuff (some adult....some not)


There once was a gal named Lewinsky

Who played on a flute like Stravinsky

'Twas "Hail to the Chief"

On this flute made of beef

That stole the front page from Kaczynski.


Said Bill Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky

We don't want to leave clues like Kaczynski,

Since you look such a mess,

Use the hem of your dress

And wipe that stuff off of your chinsky.


Lewinsky and Clinton have shown

What Kaczynski must surely have known:

That an intern is better

Than a bomb in a letter

Given the choice of how to be blown

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The situation: You are in the Midwest, and there is a huge

flood in progress. Many homes have been lost, water

supplies compromised, and infrastructure destroyed.

Let's say you're a photographer out getting still photos for a

news service, traveling alone, looking for particularly poignant


If you were to stumble across Bill Clinton struggling keep

from being swept away in a raging river and you had a choice

of rescuing him or getting a Pulitzer prize-winning photograph

of the death of a President:

What shutter speed would you use?

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Anagram Hall of Fame

Attributions for anagrams (if known) are shown at the end of each anagram.

Internet Anagram Server = Isn't re-arrangement rave?

Dormitory = Dirty Room

Schoolmaster = The classroom

Elvis = Lives

Listen = Silent

Clint Eastwood = Old West Action

A Telephone Girl = Repeating "Hello"

Western Union = No Wire Unsent

The Country Side = No City Dust Here

Evangelist = Evil's Agent

Astronomers = Moon starers / No more stars

The Cockroach = Cook, Catch Her

Desperation = A Rope Ends It

The Morse Code = Here Come Dots

Slot Machines = Cash Lost in'em

Conversation = Voices Rant On

Disraeli = I lead, Sir.

Clothespins = So Let's Pinch

The Great New York Rapid Transit Tunnel = Giant Work in Street, Partly Underneath

Florence Nightingale = Nigel, Fetch an Iron Leg / Flit on Cheering Angel

(Richard Stilgoe in "The Richard Stilgoe Letters")

MacDonalds = Clam and Sod

Darling I love you = leaving your idol / Avoiding our yell

Butterfly = Flutter-by

Heavy Rain? = Hire a Navy!

Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter

Animosity = Is No Amity

Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler

Funeral = Real Fun

A Domesticated Animal = Docile, as a Man Tamed it

The Railroad Train = Hi! I Rattle and Roar

The Hilton = Hint: Hotel

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss = Stroller on Go, Amasses Nothing

Sunshine and Shadow = Show in Sun and Shade

The Check is in the Mail = Claim "Heck, I sent it (heh)"

The United States Bureau of Fisheries = I Raise the Bass to Feed Us in the Future

Snooze Alarms = Alas! No More Z's

Vacation Times = I'm Not as Active

Software = Swear Oft

Silicon Graphics = A Long Chip Crisis / Can logic ship, sir? / Gosh, sir, I can clip!

Alec Guinness = Genuine Class

(**** Cavett)

The Detectives = Detect Thieves

The Hospital Ambulance = A Cab, I Hustle to Help Man

Semolina = Is No Meal

The United States of America = Attaineth its cause, freedom

Christmas tree = Search, Set, Trim

A Gentleman = Elegant Man

Presbyterian = Best In Prayer

The Public Art Galleries = Large Picture Halls, I Bet

A Decimal Point = I'm a Dot in Place

The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake

Salman Rushdie = Read, Shun Islam

Martin Scorsese = Screen is a storm

(the director of movies "Taxi Driver," "Mean Streets," "GoodFellas," "Cape Fear," and "Age of Innocence.")

Barbie doll = I'll bare bod / Babe I'd roll / Liberal bod

Student Information Processing Board = Computation Transgression Forbidden


Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one

Patrick Stewart = A Crap Trek Twist

Mel Gibson = Bong Smile

Admirer = Married

Indomitableness = Endless ambition

New York Times = Monkeys Write / Monkey Writes

(Andrew Glines)

David Letterman = Nerd Amid Late TV

Howard Stern = Retard Shown

Contradiction = Accord not in it

(E. Tyron)

Debit card = Bad Credit

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