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John T

The Ultimate Bulletin Board RT!!!!


I am going to put a post up and you can respond on any bb if you would be willing to go if this was set-up. THis would be a two day event for all in the internet community and this would also be open to any distributors that ever went to a Bulletin board for whatever reason. THe shirts that would be made for this event would have every single bb that is represented. In no specific order all shirts on there front backs and sleeves would read first (In no specific order) ***,TGS,PWN,PTS,Pressurenet,CLN(If they ever go back online) Orgs with bb's such as *****,PWNA and IWCA if they have one. And on top of that we could have patches made up from any distributors/manufacturers who want to help sponsor this and they would also be allowed to show there wares.

Should this be free..I'm not sure yet. My thinking is the bb's thru donations,the distributors and the manufactors should pay sponsership money so they can show there wares. There is so much that we can expound on here. but in essense this would be a Huge RT and it will be titled

Helping to unite the industry one day at a time.

Can this be done. Comment if you like and answer the pole above.

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