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Well, now I am starting to really feel the pain as my income has all but dried up - Winter is really here, 4 months of hibernation to look forward to. And painting in my area is experiencing the worst period since the early 90's recession.

So I decided to hop on over to recovery.gov to see how O'bama bucks is doing. After perusing the data I was astonished to find out only 220 billion of the larger 787 billion bailout package has actually been paid out!?!?!

We're coming on a year since it was passed, and only a third of it has actually been paid out. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing. Bad because we desperately need the money, good perhaps because he is going for a slow and steady course without the danger of a 'double' dip recession.

Either way - I am fed up with this economy. Folks are starting to spend again, but it isn't unilaterally.

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