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Survived Thanksgiving


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We survived Thanksgiving here as well. As far as Black Friday I could give a rats patootie. Hahaha! You won't find my butt in a store until Christmas eve. If you find me in a store at all. As far as work goes,,,well, this is Florida. Plenty of work! I don't know how you guys up North do it.

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I don't know how you guys up North do it.

Honestly, Larry, I haven't a clue. Up until 3 winters ago, I'd go down to Boston and do painting for $15/hr all winter long. I can't bring myself to do that anymore. Historically, I have never had 'winter' interior painting work even during the good years. Folks don't want you in their home during the holidays, and have no money leftover after buying all their christmas presents.

I am still trying to figure out a winter gig that doesn't involve smashing apart a trucks front end up doing plowing. All I can do is just work on my marketing so I can continue my 'A' game for when the season starts back up. At least that's where I am lucky - my competition aren't savvy in the ways of advertizing and marketing, they just do some winter job.

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Michael, I have run into several independents gutter cleaning contractors. And honestly I don't even understand how they make bread. Seems like folks only want their gutters cleaned out 2 months of the year??? Do you have other gigs lined up for the other parts of the year? Gutter cleaning is a cool add-on service, but building a business around just gutter cleaning makes no sense to me, even the big guys - I only see their trucks during only 2 months of the year.

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