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Reagan was wrong.


Having spent a time in my youth defying my religious beliefs and taking advantage of others I have a different outlook on things than most people have.

Sometimes I can see signs of activity that someone who hasn't been there wouldn't recognize. I was also a private investigator and was trained to pull the truth out in taped interviews in cases where all other methods of exposure had failed.

It was through that training that I learned how easy it is to fool people and make them believe whatever you want them to believe. I used that knowledge for my own personal gain till God put a life changing experience in my path and my seared conscience was softened again. That was about 20 years ago and I've never looked back since. Not even once.

But I still carry the experience with me and it puts me on guard in ways that many people think is ridiculous. I will never turn back to who I was before again, but being that person has made me who I am today and I can't escape it.

I'm labeled negative by many. I don't think I'm negative anymore than a mother who holds a child's hand to keep them from running into the street is negative. It's her knowledge of what will happen if the child runs into traffic that motivates her actions.

I ran across this today trying to explain my "negativity" to someone in a PM. Before you blindly follow anyone (including blindly believing anything I say) you should at least be aware of how the other side works. This is an interview with one of the most notorious con men in the world. It is an open, candid look at how a con man works. They are very short. I'd suggest you listen to both of them.

Con Artist Hall of Infamy : Con Watch

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