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Jerry B.

Buba and his two friends


Bubba grew up in a small town, he only had two friends. People of the town always thought of these two friend as "Butt Holes". When Bubba walked into a store with his friends you would hear people say " Here comes Bubba with two Butt Holes". One night there was a terrible fire at Bubba's house and there was a body removed from the house. The body was burned to a point where identification would be hard. The County Coroner called in the only two friends that Bubba had to help identify the body. When the first friend came into the room, he saw the naked body on the table, he asked that the body be turned over, the Coronor and his assitant thought this was a strange request but the turned the body over. The friend examined the body in great detail. He said "This is not Bubba". The Coroner thanked him for his time and waited for the second friend to arrive. Later that day the second friend came in to identify the body. In the same manner he examined the naked body and asked the the body be turned over. When the body was turned over the friend was very sure that the body was not Bubba. The Coroner was so puzzeled about why both friends want the body turned over so he asked the friend "why did you and the other friend want the body turned over"? The friend replied "for eaiser identification, every time we were in town with Bubba we heard the town people say "Here comes Bubba with two Butt Holes", well this body on the table only has one "Butt Hole" so it is not Bubba.

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