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Steel Eagle owners, I need some help.

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I have a 30" steel eagle surface cleaner. Do you remember the little plastic guide they gave you that helps you adjust the angle of your spray tips? Does anyone have one of those the could photocopy and either fax it or email in actual size? I plan on making a guide out of some sheet metal or wood. I lost mine and I am just guessing on the angle right now.

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This should work. It may look like it's cropped off, but the very bottom of the image is in fact the bottom of the card. If for some reason when you print it out you don't see a line at the bottom giving clear definition of a cut-off point, connect a line between the two black sides. I assure you that this is the exact copy of mine. It's also scanned in at 100%, so it should print out exactly the same size as the original.

Ryan H.


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Ah, okay....looking at here (outside of my graphics program) it does look cropped, but it really isn't. Just print it out and connect a line between the absolute bottom of the two black sides and you should be good to go! I had to place it on the edge of the scanner to ensure that it was straight.

Hope this helps.

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Are you able to send a fax? if so I would really apprecaite it. I have to use my surface cleaner tomorrow morning and my nozzles are out of whack. I printes the very first one you emailed me and the width on that a inch and a half. Maybe if you tell me how wide the space is cross wise on your I can mess with it and get it to print the actual size. When I view it on my screen it is one inch wide.

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I got it all figured out. Thanks for the help. I just kept messing with the reducer button on my copier and I got it close. I made a template out of card board and got it to work. Thanks again.

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Strange thing about MS default graphics viewers....they try to change the resolution and it ends up stretching the image. I was viewing mine through a graphics program (adobe) and it came out the same size, but it kept the correct dimensions. I think what happens (and this is just pulling out of the air) that the def. gra. viewers adjust the resolution to something like 72 dpi, then when I put up a 150dpi resolution image, it prints out twice as large than what it should be. If you want another one with the perfect dimensions, I can put it in PDF format and it will definitely be correct (damn MS).


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