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John T

Presidential response to what I am trying to do for the Industry & Linda Ruth Tosetti


I just got an email from President George Bush Sr. Personal aid. It has partially accomplish what I am trying to do but like I told many I am flying off the seat of my pants to try and put this together. I made a glaring mistake in there which is I invited the President to come to where ever we are going to go to deliver these plaques. That was a learning mistake. Wishful thinking but I shot to high for the stars on that one when I could have shot something more down to earth which would be a recognition from the President to the Industry at large for all the good they do. Thats one is my bad. I have more things moving but thats for another time.

Just to let you guys and gals know at least the President is aware now of you guys and the Plus that you do for each other and for others in need. Thats the start. I'm waiting on a few more important people to respond including George Bush Jr.

I need more time to reach further thru better methods such as sitting down for Dinner maybe someday with Peter King and all thats going to happen after next April 28th when one career ends for me.... Law Enforcement.

I hope this can stay on the positive but I am fully aware of how some of us including myself can react on the net which isn't the way some of us including myself may react in person.

Enjoy the ride.


Thank you for your patience awaiting a response regarding your e-mail below.

All of your work to recognize these fine people shows a great deal of caring, compassion, and respect and I am glad to see that people are still pulling together to honor those that should be honored. Unfortunately, at age 87, President Bush simply is not attending many events any more and though I know he is thrilled to hear about the good work you are doing he must regret participation. These days he is spending as much time with family as possible which keeps him close to home, either in Maine or Texas.

Again, I really appreciate your patience and I apologize that it’s taken me so long to get back to you. I wish you the best as you pursue this good work for those who are deserving.


Jim Appleby

Aide to President Bush

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