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John T

Linda is hanging with Michael J.Fox this week

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This week Linda Ruth will be hanging with Michael J. Fox who I admire alot. He's a hockey player and has a line that in one of the all time great movies "Back to the Future" that explains me to a tee "Don't call me chicken?"

This week Linda is hanging out with Michael J. Fox.... And next week she will be hanging with you at the PWNA convention.

Besides the Convention where the PWNA has alot to offer including a chance to win a Hydrotek Skid you will also see and hear Linda tell you some historical info..and I will tell you my vision that will stretch this right to the WHITE HOUSE.

You do not want to miss this because before you know it... The event is over. If all goes well for the first time in this industry you may see something that came from some powerfull people in this country recognizing a couple of amazing people right at that Convention.

And I promise what you hear there it won't end and you will see and hear how I came up with this which will help put this industry on the map and I will also tell you how the plaque recipients will help past president and future presidents see what I've seen all along as has Linda and you guys will be credited for this beginning because I will never let you guys down and I will follow this thru until the end...

History in the making and an unbelievable up lifting story that may bring you to tears, it does to me and it will motivate you beyond believe.... I hope all of you come.. But no one has to.

The more that come the more who will see how they can become a part of history.... You may never ever see this again.

And I haven't said this before, but there is one man who encourage me to continue onwards and do not let anyone stop me... And Now in Peter Kings office they are convinced I can't be stopped....but besides my wife testing me and never giving up on me.... That man who drove me to give it my all and then some and to never give up and he absolutely believed in me.......JOE WALTERS!!

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