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John T

PW Industry-Babe Ruth-Linda Ruth Tosetti-White House


The door is starting to open again soon. For the ones who were at the PWNA Convention Linda talked about her Mothers dying wishes. The first 2 were accomplished with one of those being that Linda promised her Mother should would quit smoking.... And she did. Being an ex smoker myself I know how tough that one can be.. It took awhile but Linda did it... Yrs ago.

Her mothers last dying wish is what locked Linda and I in some very long conversations. Just this week we spoke 3 more times. It's like Destiny that our paths have crossed. Something amazing happen this week which boggles my mind because of the spiritual connotations to it.... And I explain that one here soon.. It doesn't make sense to me but Kathy's family and Joe Walters who I called yesterday are fascinated by it.. It's a mind bender. As soon as my kids show me how to get pics from my IPad onto TGS I'll post it.

But on a different note and it's sad and a terrible story is coming out of it is what is going on at Penn State College football program. That story will leave alone because all of it will come out thru the news.

The thing I catch in there is something many did not know and it's not what happened which is absolutely despicable and that will be dealt with accordingly.

The thing I see in there was Joe Paterno was getting getting endorsed by 2 senators and a district congressman for the presidential Medal of freedom which of course now..that door for him is shut.. I hope Joepa did not do what there saying he did which was basically do much of nothing when there are kids who may have been raped. That's on him if that's true.

But as his door shut another one opens and that's what I was on the phone about today including talking to Linda who happens to be in PA at another event.

Remember Linda does not want Her Grandfather just to get that medal. His name alone will always be remembered. What Linda wants to get known is the Humanitarian side of Babe and there is alot to that.

What locks her and I in is the Powerwashers... You guys. Now the door is opening again and we have a shot...but it's tricky because I'm attaching the Powerwashers to it which is why I got those recognitions to her the way I did. The Senators is not going to be hard. What's hard is the Powerwashers but you can do it... And the Powerwashers are the ones who will... Get this done...there doing it already.. And those are the plaque recipients... But on top of that it's really the industry....

That's the beauty of this story. She recognized us... And now it's coming back to her. I have President Obama's file from her family that they held back... It's historical and soon all will know what's in there that is factual.

But hey I drive a hard bargain. This has cost me a couple of grand but it's no more then what I spent on the ***** to help them succeed..and I failed there miserably and let people down with my Internet garbage when all along my intuition that I told some here was right and yet I didnt do it..and that was to fly to CALI and talk out the problems..so that's where the net fails.. So today I go back to old methods and that is call people, meet people.. Be people. That's how I got Linda Recognized but the emailing and net yapping didn't do it... It will never replace something real.... And that's people.

This is where I'm different then most. I don't look to make money off of people in any way except for what I do and that is Powerwash. I don't consult or anything. I have some foundations outside of this industry who are so very interested in what I'm doing... But it's coming from the heart and it's staying in this industry regardless.. That's the path that seem to open up as time went by and it made sense and if it cost me a few bucks and it benefits many then to me... It's worth it. The ***** was worth it because Carlos's plan was made to work... But we blew it up by stomping on his every mistake.. That's to easy to do to anyone.. And I am so sorry for that....

But now we have this...and you guys know me.. I can be relentless but I really try to do it for all the right reasons so I get upset when I think people get attacked over some trivial things when they have done so much good.. I have to learn to keep that side of me less public.

So here it is and what I'm doing and you can to.. Search the net on the good things about Babe Ruth. Remember he is no saint.. But if you keep this thought in your head.. Think about your country and you will see this more. The presidential Medal of freedom is along the lines of knight hood in England. Mick Jagger (one of my favorites) has it and Keith Richards rejected it.. But the reason why they were offered it was did they have a positive impact on England's Culture. The answer is yes. Of course they took drugs and had many relationships etc.. But there music was Iconic to millions and inspired many.

BABE RUTH.... Just stop and think... Did he have a positive impact on our culture?? That's what you need to focus on and not was he a Mother Theresa type who also is so very special on a different level.

So if you think so.. You now have your industry and this is what I had such a problem doing because I had no plan and never thought of anything...it just started coming to me..

So think about your industry... Think about what some guys do that you know like A Russ Spence who spent thousands of hours giving back to people in his industry and doing good deeds outside of it. Think about Beth Borrego and Rod who have done so much. Think about anyone in this industry that you know who has done alot.. If you believe in this then reach out to your local congressman or official and try to get him/her to see this and also what Linda does which is her tireless efforts in bringing out her Grandfathers Humanitarian side. If you can get them to react to this Industry and her like I did by a recognition letter and not a generic Then here Mothers dream will come true.. And how is that... Well that file is in my house..

But remember I drive a hard bargain..probably my Union way of doing things.. But what I see and it's happening and not one person here can bring it down because it's so good... We have as a group alot of positive power.. Where grunts.. But where Americans.. And if you just look how Babe never gave up in that orphanage where most kids are so despondent in them because there family had to give them up... You will see the largeness and the positive of this story.

Don't over shoot and ask your Senators to Push for Babe.. Push for us and Linda and with that and this file... It's a walk in the park.. If Joe Paterno had 2 senators.. If we do this.. I'll get 14 senators.. Your talking Babe Ruth.. And you have yourself and you know what we do because your here in this bulletin board or over on *** PWN PTSTATE or at a roundtable... And you have this..and we all have an opportunity.. And this Country has despair.. So we need some one who rose from complete despair with his siblings dying along with his mother..and he never gave up.

We the Powerwashing Industry have Babe Ruth.. And we have the chance of a lifetime.. And this is my give back to you guys and you have a monster story to be the catalyst to give this country what it needs and it needs... Our own hero.. And we already have that.

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