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John T

Should I barnstorm the Ruth family to all PW events Kath and I attend in 2012


Should I take Linda and her husband Andy to all the events my wife and I attend so all can meet and greet this great lady?

She is so very special. You feel like Babe Ruth is in the room with her when she is present. I'm leaning towards doing this and I'll speak with her at every show and also have all the pics you want with her and your family or just yourselves.

If this is done any room or flights would have to be paid for her and Andy... She's a guest to our industry.. And there's a few movies being made about her and also a miniseries about the Babe thru her family stories.

Remember it's magical what's going on here... She has embraced us.. I might be able to convince her to do what her Grandfather did which was to barnstorm.. I also maybe able to bring that presidential file for a peak...

I know some may think this is over kill but I am so very determined to get this industry credited along side with Linda and Andy with Babe Ruth getting our nations highest honor.

I'm starting to think that she should meet and greet as many People in this industry as possible. It's a far out thought but we can do it for her...

Thoughts and be brutally honest but please do not attack her character.. Attack me if you feel so disgusted over this..but not her.. Ask anyone who went the PWNA Convention how nice she is..

So does anyone want me to do an old fashion barnstorm like the Babe did back in the day?

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