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John T

Welcome to my brother inlaw Mick DuRussel


This is my sisters husband. He is a printer by day and owns a small office cleaning business at night. He's been doing both business as long as I have done mine if not longer.

He also runs charitable events for free and does for free celebrity interviews because he is probably the most passionate guy I know.

Here's some of his interviews he's done with some well known celebrities.

The Legendary JOHNNY MATHIS | Spot on Long Island

For Jethro Tulls fans here's and interview with There lead singer Ian Anderson An Interview with Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson | Spot on Long Island

A live chat with ex cop turned rock star Eddie Money (take me home tonight) Long Island Music Hall of Fame Red Carpet | Spot on Long Island

And so much more Mick has done such as hold and Art show for Tony Curtis family who entrusted Mick tony Curtis's paintings and any painting sold micks portion went to the Lou Gehrig foundation ALS. He does this because his step brother died from Lou Gehrigs disease.

For any of you rock fans check out the show he is doing next month. This one is going to be a blast especially if Sean Young who got booted out of the academy awards shows up. This place is 15 minutes from my house..

Mick is the brother I never had. If you remember the graduate movie with Dustin Huffman Mick bought that jacket suit jacket that Dustin wore and since Mick is short like Dustin Mick wore that jacket for years. He bought it for $15 and sold it around the early eighties for $1500.

Besides that Mick hardly sells his valuable collections he's been collecting since child hood. He does his own shows and he is also an artist and calls radio stations all the time to answer there quiz questions. I seen the Who for free thru Mick winning answers and many other things. My sister goes nuts because he does what he does but he is a good Christian man who believes in helping others all the time and rarely takes money for that because it's a hobby for him to do this.

How do you think I got Linda Ruth Tosetti's home number, George Bush Contacts, Willem Dafoe now for a favor for Linda and on and on he is my pal.

This is his latest show and it's not done yet.. Party times.

Hey John,

Heres the info on my benefit;

The 5th Annual **Sound Success For ALS Benefit Show

Sat. Apr 14, 2012 3-11PM

Napper **Tandys in Smithtown

Doors open at 3PM

Music starts at 3:30.

Bands **coming are.

The Street Survivors (Lynyrd Skynyrd band)

The Raves (The **Rainbows from Randy and the Rainbows)

The Stevie Marshall Band-NYC's **wildest party band featuring some of NY top musicians.

Nelson Klondike- **featuring Lex Marchesi from Fotomaker

The In Crowd Band- 60s-70s-80s **songs..great band!

Celebrities expected to come are Richard Pryor Jr., **CJ Ramone from the Ramones, Ms senior America Gail King, and very possible **actress Sean Young.

Others will be announced as they confirm.

Proceeds **from admision and raffles goes entirely to the ALS Research Center at Columbia **University in NYC

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This show went down last night. We had a blast. Most of the artist that signed on to show up did and some extra's came as last minute surprises. I'll post pics of some of the celebs that showed up such as Richie Cannata who was Billy Joel's sax player. Man that guy can jam and to here it close up in a pub background was for music lovers a dream. Good stuff.

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