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Cullen Adams

7 Interesting Animal Facts


  1. For the first month of their lives, newborn bottlenose dolphins and killer whales never sleep but remain mobile 24 hours a day. Similarly, sharks have no air bladders, so they have to swim constantly or they'll sink.

  2. On the luckier end of the scale are albatrosses, who can sleep while in flight. Giraffes tend to get a lot done, as they rarely sleep more than 20 minutes a day
  3. There are ant species that make slaves of other ants. The enterprising insects will go out and raid the nests of other species nearby, stealing their eggs and pupae. These are taken home, and the unwitting young are raised as slaves, having to do all the foraging, cleaning and babysitting for their masters.
  4. House sparrows are a promiscuous lot, but the ladies know how to stay ahead of the game. A female house sparrow will often seek out the nest of another female that her partner has also mated with and will then kill the first female's young. This removes the competition for her man, ensuring he spends as much time as possible helping to raise her chicks.
  5. What do you think is the deadliest animal in the world to humans? Lion? Snake? Killer whale? Nope. It’s the mosquito. But get this: Only female mosquitoes bite; the males are actually vegetarian. Following this charming trend, female black widow spiders eat their husbands after mating, hence the name.
  6. Humans, ants and chimpanzees are the only organisms that wage organized warfare.
  7. Experts estimate that 9 out of every 10 living things live in the ocean. Which is why you should learn to scuba dive. Speaking of fish, goldfish have memories that extend past five seconds, seven seconds or whatever you’ve been told. They can actually be trained and remember what they’ve learned for months. That's a better memory than me!

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