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NBA Fight


Since I am from Indiana, I have seen nothing but replay after replay after replay of the mishap in Detroit friday night. I am an Indiana Pacers fan, and I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

Whats your opinion?

Here's my take, I have very mixed feelings on this, one side of me says anyone that throws something at someone else out of disrespect deserves anything that they get, on the other hand NBA players are payed millions of dollars a year to be professional, and should act that way while they "have the uniform on". While I do not agree with what Ron Artest did, I understand why he did it and I support his right to defend himself.

As for the fans that came onto the court, that was also VERY wrong of them to do, and since Detroit cant seem to provide enough security to keep it from happening and the ability to get the players OFF THE COURT SAFELY, the fans that come onto the court also deserve anything they get.

Do I agree with the Suspensions? Yes, for the most part, Ron Artest needs a break unfortunately. The only one I dont agree with is Jermaine Oniel, he NEVER went into the seats, so why does he get 25 games when jackson, who DID go into the seats got 30 games, I think Oneil got screwed on that one.

Bottem Line, Who's to blame? ..EVERYONE! It was an ugly thing to watch, and as a fan of the Indiana Pacers it's the last thing I wanted to see happen, hoepfully some good can come out of this and improvements can be made to prevent something like this from happening again.

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