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John T

My Moderator status on different bb's


I have a few people inquiring when I was removed as a Mod on a certain bb. It's also the only place I ever been banned from. For those who ask because of there research I was removed on this lovely date of 9-10-11. So anything from that point forward where there saying I deleted Post there is inaccurate. I never deleted post here on TGS.

I served honorably as a Super Mod here on TGS from it's inception and same goes with PWC. I also am heavily involved on working with many on PWRA bb which is the is part of the best Powerwashing Association in the country. Many of us support each other there because it's good business sense to do so.

So I hope this clears the air on how my name might be being used as the one who has deleted many threads in the past year on a certain site..

I'm always about supporting fellow contractors thru and thru.

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