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hey celeste


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YES!!!! I learned how to post pics!!!! Now, I'm excited----i'm going to walmart to get some CD's and try to transfer my pics from memory stick to disc!!!

They are about 4 months and two months in this pic. I am always embarrassed to say their names.......The boy is named Luca. I got him first, and named him after Luca Brazzi on "The Godfather" (unfortunately my Luca is a real wiener:)). Then, two months later I got the 10 week old female from someone that had her for two weeks, and had already named her "Abby." So there they are, Luca and Abby. Well, about a month later I am at the dogpark and some chic asks me what they're names are, and I say, "luca and abby." She says, "oh, that is so cute, you named them after the couple on "ER". So you liked them as a couple also?" I looked at her confused and asked her what in the heck she was talking about, and she goes on to explain to me that Luca and Abby is the name of two doctors on the TV show "ER", and they were a couple at one time. It was about the most humiliating moment of my life, and I've had to endure comments every since, so I pretty much come off as a real flamer. Oh well, so that is the story on my dogs names. :) I'll get an updated pic soon, I still cannot believe how big your dogs are!!


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They are beautiful :) Ours are just monsters.. Jake, our male was pushing 120 before we put him on a diet. He was the litter runt also :) He hangs out around 100 now but thinks he's a lap dog. Jersey is only a year old....she may catch up to him yet - she's my donut baby....only dog I've ever seen that when she's excited and coming toward you, you have full view of her face and tale pointing at you at the same time.


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My female does the same thing!! Gets excited and contorts her body into a circle....very funny!! I also like the "snorting" when they get excited, lol.

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