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Russell Cissell

Health Insurance


I would like to call on all small business owners to research and consider getting behind the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization and Affordability Act (S. 1955). This piece of legislation will be coming before the senate in early may. Now is your time to take action and let your senator know that you want to level the playing field.

Health insurance costs are one of the primary barriers to starting a small business and one of the primary concerns of any serious small business owner. S. 1955 will enable small businesses to band together and take advantage of group healthcare discounts currently only available to larger corporations.

Please take a moment to review some information on S. 1955 you can find it here:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Small Business Health Plans

More importantly, if this is something you believe in, take action now. Take the time to make your opinion known. Politicians have big ears right now. Write your senator or send an e-mail. Stand up and be counted. If you're not sure exactly what to say, copy the following text. Include all of your company contact information and send it directly to the office of your senator.


As a small business owner, I strongly urge you to support and pass S. 1955, small business health plan legislation, when it comes up for a vote in May. This legislation will allow me to join with other small business owners and help me purchase affordable health insurance for myself, my employees and their families.

With insurance premiums going up every year the way they are, at some point I will have to cut benefits or drop coverage all together. This is the reality that small business owners around the country face everyday. But by giving me more options and forcing the insurance companies to compete, I can make sure my employees and their families get the health insurance coverage they need.

On behalf of myself and employees, I urge you to support S. 1955, Small Business Health Plan legislation.


Russell Cissell

Extreme Solutions, Inc.




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