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Cancer Fighters!


I am participating in my 4th annual Relay For Life this year!! I am celebrating my mom's 10th year as a survivor! smile.gif Please, if you are able could you make a donation for this cause. I am not one to ask for money, but this is the most worthwhile cause I can think of, and from a business standpoint, it's tax deductible.... Everyone is touched by Cancer in some way, whether it be a family member, friend or neighbor. Please help us fight this disease. We are making great strides because of the generosity of people like you!!! You all are a great bunch, and I want to thank you in advance for your kindness. Thanks a million!!!!!! Jeff Oliver

Here is the link to my page!



Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion... you have to set yourself on fire!

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Jeff, we will put out a donation bowl at our NC Contractor Networking Event tomorrow for you!!


Thanks Celeste!! I was really hoping to get to come to the NC roundtable this time, but I have to work at my OTHER job.... Hopefully I will be able to do this full time one day and retire the gun and badge for a pressure gun! Anyway, thank you all for your support and I hope the round table goes GREAT! Wish I was there!!!

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