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John T

Securing GRANTS for your business and for Education


Securing Grants for your business and for education seems to direction that some of us should look into. For example this bulletin board is really about education. If Beth had the time she could turn this board into a complete education class seminars. To do this she would need to secure GRANT money. Orgnizations should also look into securing grant money.

On top of that business whether large or small should try to secure some grant money themselves. So how do we get there..Do we have to go right into DC and lobby on the floor??

Has anyone tried to get some of that Gov't grant money that is supposedly out there and if so please explain whether it worked or not.

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Listen, contact your local SBA office.

I start a class in 2 weeks at a C.C. Its 2 nights a week 3 hours each night for 6 weeks. They will walk you through step by step on a writing a business plan. Once the class is done, they take your plan to the local grant office and run it though them. If all goes well you get a 5 grand grant that you can use for your business, there are limitations on what you can buy, but I do know you can buy equipment.

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Hello Don,

Very nice of you to be out there in the front row helping people.

Seriously, $5,000 US dollars ?

I can't waste the amount of time you have mentioned for a possibility of a $5k LOAN...

$5K is very nearly pocket change here in CA.

A $50k zero interest biz loan would be something I would be interested in.

That would be a good start on suitable water reclamation equipment that shall soon be required AND strictly enforced. Heck, it's required now!

But it's all good. I like classes. Same as roundtables. Good input.

CA does have a program called SOAR .

Bunch of old guys been in biz many years. Help out new biz startups.

Get your biz plan all down on paper, and they will offer guidance. gratis.


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Seriously, $5,000 US dollars ?

I can't waste the amount of time you have mentioned for a possibility of a $5k LOAN...

$5K is very nearly pocket change here in CA.

That's $138.00 an hour.

$5000.00 would buy a hot water skid or a used van/truck. I'd take it.

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