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John T

Watch your health!!!!!!!


I have a doctor that looks like she can be in that show "Desperate Housewives" She is forever bugging me for one of my last PBA president cards(No longer any Union position--of a matter of fact no longer any position with any Union orgs etc).

I see this Doctor probably every 4 months to get my sleeping pills that I've been prescribed now for over two years.

I went to see her the other day to get another prescription as I always do. She is starting to sound like my wife telling me that I take on to much....

Then she looks me in the eye and says "John with your schedule do you think your going to make it another year?" I did one of those nervous laughs and she said she is serious.

So now I'm looking at her thinking..yes not checking her out but just thinking...... a few years ago my doctor told me that something has to give with me cause my schedule is going to kill me. Every physical I take all my numbers and everything check out. Her point the other day is that the no sleep factor and working myself to exhaustion is....a very bad combo. She has been telling me this for years and once again I'm at that crossroads with her that something with me has to give.

Starting another business(Swabby) continuing on with Clean County and still working nites on my "other job"..I still may need up to one more year because my "Other" job is giving me unlimited OT that is building my pension up alot.... Who knows............. The most I need is one more year.

This is a classic do as I say but not as I do....Watch your Health!!

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