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MMI Enterprises

estimating software and integration methods


First off..My copy of the deck calculator doesn't seem to work correctly in carrying over the main sq. ft. formula results when used in Open Office software?

...Anyone got a tweaked tested version or something better for me I can use temporarily?.. Think the one I got came by way of Reed...

A version that can easiliy be hooked into a.dot or .odt template format would really be good too...

At some point the creating of inventory items in my accounting software (peachtree) is going to be the best end way of both estimating andthen quoting customers. Only problem is that I would have to form design new quotes and new invoices specific to wood that will total and display the amounts in an understandable way on screen for me internally and then with slightly less info for customers use in printed form. Probably take the better part of a week to do it correctly but once it is done.. the billing and tracking of jobs and their customers will become real fast and almost automatic.

Currently all my inventory items are not wood related and they have to be selected one by one in a line item type way while a quote or invoice is being made specific to a customer. Once multiple items are placed it can then be saved in memory for repeat customers but they are almost useless when considering workingon new customer estimates and quotes. I am not about to be able to remember all the measured items to be placed line by line so gotta be working off a form that asks for input.

If anyone understands what I am saying to this point and currently actually uses their accounting software for both estimating and invoicing together I would also be real interested in discussing how or if your able to easily export the documents into existing bid package documents like within Word or Open Office. Currently I print the quote or invoice to MS Document Imaging and then combine manually with other documents of my bid package before either mailing or sending to a fax printer or email for commercial customers.

The combining them into full on .dot or .odt contract packages is pure PITA!!

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Kevin, I personally use a spreadsheet thru excell and have it integrated / linked into Microsoft Database. So when I enter values into the spreadsheet they are calculated with pre-entered value. then the product of the equasion is transfered to the database to a form I created and prints out with a detailed verson of expenses of material / labor / etc.. It's pretty simple, and i"m looking for a more streamlined method, but it's working for now.

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Yea that method is suitable for many so it seems and the accounting softwares use same methods but with their own internal databases.

Once I got spoiled with them years back I got owned by them in basic trems and now not know enough with the basic spreadsheet/database usage to do it from scratch. I really only use my Open Office these days for word processing and templating. The error I am getting with the deck calculator should be easiliy fixable but the underlying cell formulas are almost greek to me at this point of dependancy...

I'll keep discretion if someone has something for me.. :)

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creating a database actually isn't hard at all. I learned back in highschool how to do it and that was nearly 10 years ago. I personally like that adaptability it provides as i've learned a few other options available. I'm currently working on a flash website, and I'm working with a real techie on it. He is super smart and is invisioning the capability on my "CONTACT" page to send me a Text message when someone sends me an e-mail (this is easily done by a having a smartphone such as a treo or blackberry etc. and using the e-mail software usually outlook express, which the phone automatically let's you know when you get a new e-mail). He also has a few other theories at hand that I'm kinda questioning and excited about such as a auto-quote. Where a homeowner can go to my website and via using the same spreadsheets I have (BUT IN A SIMPLIFIED VERSION to where a monkey and a tape measure could get the values), be able to get an instant quote for various services. ***of course it will be subject to change upon a visual inspection and the 1st contact where the work contract will be signed**. But i feel that it may reduce the ammount of homeowners who want their 900sq/ft deck stripped brightened, repaired, stained/sealed for $300 and won't budge any higher. just a few things I've got in the workings. he's busy and I'm getting the work done for free so I really can't rush him. right now door to door, and flyer methods are keeping me busy, but I'm focused merely right now on residential, yet when I'm going to target commercial I'll make sure to have all the goodies available to the customer. One thing I've noticed is the elderly typically don't like the internet, so if your going to target them.. lesson learned... websites are useless. :-)

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With commercial payables coming in upto 90 days out, and on the fly invoicing of route customers on a pay out basis there is no way I can keep track without dedicated software I been using for the accounting side.

Dedicated spreadsheet for estimating is almost not worthy less I can easily get it into my existing setup. Would really like to do my quoting on the spot out of the truck with a note book printer but not quite there yet. I always preprint invoices or send them after via mail or fax for non payout type customers.With the dedicated excel deck calculater I suppose I can taylor it and print off it for on the spot quotes and then re-enter info again into the other softwares.. Still sounds PITA though.

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Kevin were the formulas for the fascia and posts and 2x4s messed up for you? They had things for length and height of a 2x4 but it came out in huge feet measurements making a single 2x4 like 80 square feet

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umm... not sure what the designer intentioned or if it is all correct yet on the spindles and fascia stuff but on a 20x10 deck with approx. 10+20+10 amount of railing I put in 40 under railing Length and then 6 under Size and it seems to work. Under the column Size...size means linear feet apparently so you put in whatever factor you want to use. ....I have two versions of the same calculator that are almost the same. One wasn't transfering figures over correct and already had figures in the spindles, posts, joist sections. That was Mike Hughes version and must not be in a template format that my Open Office reads correctly. The other version I am unsure if it has been posted up or offered in the open forum so maybe if yea ask yea shall receive it from him..don't know.. :)

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