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Showing most liked content on 05/30/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Can you price to High?

    I did a job today on a small box ranch near my home and I gave the quote of my basic minimum of 150.00 to clean his home, he was very pleased with the price and I was washing within minutes. He stay outside and watched my technics and results, we started talking and he told me he had couple of estimates ..... one was 250.00 and one was well over 1,000.00, the guy that quoted well over 1,000. said that 2 facial boards needed to be replaced. After the house was cleaned he saw the boards was not rotted but just needed a fresh coat of paint. His real estate agent told him don't pay over 175.00 and he said I was the only one under. His next statement was he was going to pay me 175.00 instead of the 150.00 I quoted, I often get customers that tip or pay more than I charge, it happens more when they are watching me work. I realize that people may charge more and I am by no means a low baller but I don't like to over charge my customers either. I know what I have to charge to make money and in my area I know what is overcharging, Its hard to find a honest contractor in any field and I know whats it like to be overcharge and I like to treat my customers the way I would like to be treated
  2. 1 point
    Jim in NJ

    Can you price to High?

    I agree!!
  3. 1 point
    "His real estate agent told him don't pay over 175.00" Something is bothering me about the real estate agent telling someone what to pay...or what not pay in this case. What makes them the expert in Pressure Washing? What if a pressure washing company told the owner not to pay over 3% commission to the agent selling the house? Just ranting...going to get another cup of coffee now......