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Everything posted by peejicky

  1. I have a client who wants me to remove the mildew/algae from his wood soffits and carport ceiling. The wood is probably spruce or pine and has been painted. The paint is not peeling but I don't want to blast it off with high pressure. I have pics but my file size is too large. I'll have to deal with that later tonight (I'm off to ball practice for now). I'd like to know how some experienced washers would do the job. My thoughts are to use low pressure on everything from chemical application to final rinsing. I'd also like to know a recipe that would be safe for the wood as well. I use TSP in my roof cleaner mix but do not want to use it here. Is 10.5% SH diluted with water (1:1) and add some Apple Blossom for a surfactant a viable mixture? Thanks.
  2. House Cleaning Help Please

    I don't have an x jet but I can downstream. I've been cleaning more roofs than houses but gearing up to offer house cleaning in the next few weeks. I cleaned this client roof last year and he wants me to wash his soffits. The house I cleaned last year was vinyl and I mixed SH 1:1 with water then added a shot of apple blossom then shot it on with my flowjet and wand. I then let it dwell and rinsed with garden hose pressure. I'm thinking of doing the same with this one but wanted to see if cleaning painted wood was any different than vinyl.
  3. I'm trying to put together a hot water system on a shoestring budget. Are any of you familiar with this item that is listed on ebay? eBay: Hot pressure washer on a Trailer (item 260100935738 end time Apr-01-07 07:42:54 PDT) Please list any pros and cons associated with this heater if possible. I simply can't afford a high dollar system like I want and hope that I could make something like this work since its cheap and close. Thanks. Lane
  4. Hot water unit question.

    Scott, Thanks for the quick reply. If I bid on it and get it, I thought I would put a converter on it and do away with the whole battery idea. Lane
  5. chemical drum pumps

    I bought ramps like you would use to load a fourwheeler or lawn mower into your truck with. They work great. I'm paying 67.00 plus tax for 10% in 55 gal drums and they deliver if I buy $250.00 worth a time.
  6. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Why could this house not be cleaned from a ladder using a shurflo setup and a phelps type wand then rinse with a water hose? I think the mix could be shot to the ridge of the roof easily enough. The only problem I see might be damage to the skylites if they are plastic.